Quote Originally Posted by Oawaoebi View Post
You can proc sunken armor and then switch to mythic 4/4
What about players who can't afford to do that?
Also, why should we have to mess about swapping and changing mid stream?
Sorry, I'm not getting at you, I'm annoyed that we got mythic weapons in the first place and now it seems we will be waiting quite a while for arcanes.
I was happy with this expansion at first but now not so much. Hardly anyone playing because the drops aren't that good.
Most of the time I've had to solo dailies, the easy ones. It would be nice if there was something good to purchase with fathoms and even better if the expansion bar was more informative like the one in mausoleum.
One good thing is the racing event, much improved. So it looks like I'll be like a lot of players, just waiting for events.