Howdy Fellow Notts,

I'd like to discuss the potential sets that could be picked for the forgotten vanity event, specifically for the mage class.

I know what your thinking, "Isn't forgotten vanity event pretty far away?" or "Wont Cinco make a similar post to this in the future for all of us to discuss" yes and yes. The reason for this post is to:

1) Have the majority of mages pick specific vanities thus making it clear what the majority of us mages want by the time the main post is made.

2) Push my own selfish agenda and show you potential sets you may have not considered. In other words, suggestive brainwashing

3) For other to also share sets that I/others may have not considered.

I could post in the general section but thats no different from the post cinco would make. I wanna keep it mage gear only and to be honest idc that much about the other classes gear, nor do I know enough to speak about what should/shouldn't be made into a vanity (in regards to other classes). Anyway I'll start first: