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He guys!I decided to make a guide on how to avoid scam attempts.As you may know the only way you get scammed is if you fall for there plan.Here are some scams that I've heard and seen myself.(I have not feel for any of them though)
1.If you see someone say they can double you're money,just ignore them or report.
2.If someone offers to buy you platinum they are going to attempt to get you're account.
3.If someone random that is not you're VERY GOOD friend,and asks to borrow something and they will pay you back,it is most likely a scam.
Just overall if anyone needs you're account info to do something for you it is a scam.
Don't fall for these scams.These are just the most common scam attempts.There may be more but if they are similar to these it is just a scam.
Scams are never a good experience.I'm happy for those who read this,I hope it has helped.I will be doing more mini guides in the future.STS is a great community,but there's always the people who want what they want when they want!This thread is to prevent these scams.
Let's get these people to learn there lesson.Most of us know that earning money,and leveling up isn't always easy.But scamming with not get you anywhere.It will get you hated and banned.When you think about it you know that you may have got what you wanted,but it ended up bad in you're direction.
Here are the names of two scammers you may see,Dezzyt and Sevo.If you see this people attempting any of these I have said make sure you get these people reported.Together we can stop a huge amount of scams.
Thanks for reading everyone!
Hopefully this benefited you.
@Samhayne-Can this thread get transferred to the Player Guides section?Thanks,I wasn't able to make this thread there.
Hope it helped guys!See you guys around!