After the recent buffs Hyperios gun becomes a really inconsistent weapon.
The fact that you Need charged attack to apply the Mark of Deep made the proc the rarer of all myths:
Dagger, shield and staff have multihit and the bow and sword proc on normal attack.

Gun like the bow can also fail and auto aim accidentaly a nearby Mob instead of boss.

The 2 problems combined (autoattack fail + charge attack for proc) result in a total disaster if you are fighting a boss or a miniboss with just some Minions.

Also with the recent buffs the gun not shine anymore in the Maps where It s designed to be used (clean boss with no Mobs around).

The current elite content Is played by rogues with daggers or Tanks with Polaris that destroys all in Few hits (boss included).

Rage ultra should be nerfed too for obvius reasons.

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