Be rich. Yes. If you are poor skip this thread.
Welxome riches, billionaires or billionaires to be!
Disclaimer: Fake offer is illegal and would get you banned. So no this is not about creating new forum accounts to create suspiciously high offers. Nor is it about asking your friends to make seemingly legit offers on forum accounts but actually have 0 intention to buy.
Common Strategy you already know:
Monopolize the market, hoard as many as you can of one single item that you think has the demand to rise. This creates shortage of supply and if demand remains high, will eventually pushes price.
Relatively new strategy I have observed recently and what some don't want you to know:
1. Find an item that has good demand but somehow limited in supply.
2. Make a legit offer, but higher than usual.
3. Be transparent about its sold status, there's nothing fake here, you legit bought it at a much higher than usual market price.
4. Sellers would be informed about this last sold status and would want to sell their item at this price too. Their auto prices rose.
5. Buyers feel like all sellers are informed about this and can't get at a cheap price, they start to offer more bit by bit, in fear of the item rising more in the future. So eventually they compete with one another. Price rose further.
6. That's it. Smart right?
A legitimate, legal way of "manipulating". That's what some riches are doing, this is what I have noticed, I'm not gonna discuss about the ethics behind this but one thing for sure is I'm personally against it.
P. S. I don't take credit for this "new strategy" because I don't need this kinda shhet to make my gold, currently I'm experienced enough (still more rooms for growth) at spotting the right items to invest at the right time without ever lowballing people.
Hopefully this exposed strategy makes it harder for people to manipulate. Despite often being the target of frustration, repeatedly accused of being/regarded as the drama lover, I would continue to do what's right for me (not for anyone else) and do my part in keeping this community free from such subtle, hard to detect, worse, legal manipulations and similar shadow like techniques.
Feel free to share what you have noticed too!
With Peace and Compassion,