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Thread: How to manipulate legitimately?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Analytical's Avatar
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    Default How to manipulate legitimately?

    Be rich. Yes. If you are poor skip this thread.
    Welxome riches, billionaires or billionaires to be!

    Disclaimer: Fake offer is illegal and would get you banned. So no this is not about creating new forum accounts to create suspiciously high offers. Nor is it about asking your friends to make seemingly legit offers on forum accounts but actually have 0 intention to buy.

    Common Strategy you already know:
    Monopolize the market, hoard as many as you can of one single item that you think has the demand to rise. This creates shortage of supply and if demand remains high, will eventually pushes price.

    Relatively new strategy I have observed recently and what some don't want you to know:
    1. Find an item that has good demand but somehow limited in supply.
    2. Make a legit offer, but higher than usual.
    3. Be transparent about its sold status, there's nothing fake here, you legit bought it at a much higher than usual market price.
    4. Sellers would be informed about this last sold status and would want to sell their item at this price too. Their auto prices rose.
    5. Buyers feel like all sellers are informed about this and can't get at a cheap price, they start to offer more bit by bit, in fear of the item rising more in the future. So eventually they compete with one another. Price rose further.
    6. That's it. Smart right?

    A legitimate, legal way of "manipulating". That's what some riches are doing, this is what I have noticed, I'm not gonna discuss about the ethics behind this but one thing for sure is I'm personally against it.

    P. S. I don't take credit for this "new strategy" because I don't need this kinda shhet to make my gold, currently I'm experienced enough (still more rooms for growth) at spotting the right items to invest at the right time without ever lowballing people.

    Hopefully this exposed strategy makes it harder for people to manipulate. Despite often being the target of frustration, repeatedly accused of being/regarded as the drama lover, I would continue to do what's right for me (not for anyone else) and do my part in keeping this community free from such subtle, hard to detect, worse, legal manipulations and similar shadow like techniques.

    Feel free to share what you have noticed too!

    With Peace and Compassion,

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    Good observation. I have the same thoughts but didn't want to put any more energy into this community as it does nothing (call outs are deleted by mods, and you just get bombarded by owners), but you took the words out of my mouth and mind.

    A limited item is hoarded, creating a fake hole in the supply (which is against the law in real life by the way). But we don't have any kind of those laws around here, don't we?

    So there's nothing to do against these actions, you'll just keep seeing hoarders or owners protecting the price of their artificially inflated item.

    TL;DR just take the option of NOT buying controversial items 'cause you just might have the chance of being scammed if you don't know what you're doing.

    Edit: can't wait for this post to be deleted by a mod, again

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    Quote Originally Posted by spctmstds View Post
    Good observation. I have the same thoughts but didn't want to put any more energy into this community as it does nothing (call outs are deleted by mods, and you just get bombarded by owners), but you took the words out of my mouth and mind.

    A limited item is hoarded, creating a fake hole in the supply (which is against the law in real life by the way). But we don't have any kind of those laws around here, don't we?

    So there's nothing to do against these actions, you'll just keep seeing hoarders or owners protecting the price of their artificially inflated item.

    TL;DR just take the option of NOT buying controversial items 'cause you just might have the chance of being scammed if you don't know what you're doing.

    Sent from my SM-A526B using Tapatalk
    tbh one way and a vry crucial way for dev or mods to fix this is to catch a manipulator red handed and give them the of now...ppl are feeling so comfortable of doing these actions.

    Its like In real life scenario, we have a law that protects us but its only impactful when the police upholds it by arresting the wrongdoers. If the police doesnt uphold it, then the law is nothing but jus a mere words.

    Same goes for this forum, theres rules against price manipulation but if the mods arent upholding it by taking actions, then the rules of price manipulation is nothing but a mere words.

    No offense for any mods and dev, u might b busy on other matters and it is understandable but taking jus 1 actions against 1 wrongdoer will scare others to act like these. Thus creating much more transparent and cleaner market.

    Ps: If u have any sort of evidence regarding price manipulation, pls do report it to the mods, lets make mods life easier. We need to do our part too. This is clearly stated in the rules, no callingout but u can report them to mods with evidences.

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Yoloswagx; 04-12-2022 at 08:34 AM.

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    Sus...but...let them do their stuff and go with the flow xD
    Ign Bonyduck W/Impossibility R

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    I mean according to the STS support , it's ok to manipulate prices with fake offers from your friends as long as it's on forums, because apparently "the Support Department is unable to investigate forums reports."

  8. #6
    Senior Member Lawpvp's Avatar
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    Manipulating prices is not against terms of service. And most of the time it isn't manipulation, people just like to complain cuz they can't afford stuff.

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    Luminary Poster Encryptions's Avatar
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    Monopoly is not illegal irl... the only time its illegal is if it is being done with stuff people need to survive. Food and water.
    Monopoly happens all the time irl, I even do it with one of my companies. If you say monopoly isn't allowed irl with anything then why do apple devices suck *** in design and specs but cost so much?
    Chromebook is the same, you pay 1000$ for a computer that can't even run minecraft but if you knew about computers 1000$ will take you a long ways on specs. Microsoft walmart computers cost 500-1000$ and don't even have a gpu installed while gaming laptops cost 1000$ and come with an i5 12gen 3060 rtx gpu 16gb ram 512gb ssd while a 1000$ microstoft walmart pc has 8gb ram, no gpu, i5 10gen, 256gb ssd.

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    I mean do u guys even bother reading these?or ur jus assuming?

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    Lmao the intro

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    Quote Originally Posted by Analytical View Post
    Be rich. Yes. If you are poor skip this thread.
    Welxome riches, billionaires or billionaires to be!

    Disclaimer: Fake offer is illegal and would get you banned. So no this is not about creating new forum accounts to create suspiciously high offers. Nor is it about asking your friends to make seemingly legit offers on forum accounts but actually have 0 intention to buy.

    Common Strategy you already know:
    Monopolize the market, hoard as many as you can of one single item that you think has the demand to rise. This creates shortage of supply and if demand remains high, will eventually pushes price.

    Relatively new strategy I have observed recently and what some don't want you to know:
    1. Find an item that has good demand but somehow limited in supply.
    2. Make a legit offer, but higher than usual.
    3. Be transparent about its sold status, there's nothing fake here, you legit bought it at a much higher than usual market price.
    4. Sellers would be informed about this last sold status and would want to sell their item at this price too. Their auto prices rose.
    5. Buyers feel like all sellers are informed about this and can't get at a cheap price, they start to offer more bit by bit, in fear of the item rising more in the future. So eventually they compete with one another. Price rose further.
    6. That's it. Smart right?

    A legitimate, legal way of "manipulating". That's what some riches are doing, this is what I have noticed, I'm not gonna discuss about the ethics behind this but one thing for sure is I'm personally against it.

    P. S. I don't take credit for this "new strategy" because I don't need this kinda shhet to make my gold, currently I'm experienced enough (still more rooms for growth) at spotting the right items to invest at the right time without ever lowballing people.

    Hopefully this exposed strategy makes it harder for people to manipulate. Despite often being the target of frustration, repeatedly accused of being/regarded as the drama lover, I would continue to do what's right for me (not for anyone else) and do my part in keeping this community free from such subtle, hard to detect, worse, legal manipulations and similar shadow like techniques.

    Feel free to share what you have noticed too!

    With Peace and Compassion,


    Official Signature Of Dot Com Entertainment

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yoloswagx View Post
    I mean do u guys even bother reading these?or ur jus assuming?

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    someone really needs to read that and it's not the players

  15. #12
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    there is certainly a fine line between scam & market manipulation

    LINKS CAN HACK YOU, now visit the wiki ;D

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    I'm one of them hoarders I bought over 400 rog hair because how cheap the hair was was 1k each. Know the hair sells at 80k.
    Last edited by Dock544; 04-12-2022 at 06:49 PM.

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    The rich players get more rich every season and everybody is free to buy whatever he can afford so shortaging a item in numbers is not illegal

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  18. #15
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    Friend in guild may help us to know the fair price to buy any.

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    It's really funny that people who ask for exclusivity in the items, then complain that someone else comes to monopolize the items.

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    Unity lamid clads

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lawpvp View Post
    Manipulating prices is not against terms of service. And most of the time it isn't manipulation, people just like to complain cuz they can't afford stuff.
    Can't deny your latter statement, though I'm not referring to that, I'm referring to when manipulation does happen. Here I'm not saying it's wrong or right. I'm putting it to transparency for people's to judge it themselves and take the corresponding actions with the values and ethics they believe in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Encryptions View Post
    Monopoly is not illegal irl... the only time its illegal is if it is being done with stuff people need to survive. Food and water.
    Monopoly happens all the time irl, I even do it with one of my companies. If you say monopoly isn't allowed irl with anything then why do apple devices suck *** in design and specs but cost so much?
    Chromebook is the same, you pay 1000$ for a computer that can't even run minecraft but if you knew about computers 1000$ will take you a long ways on specs. Microsoft walmart computers cost 500-1000$ and don't even have a gpu installed while gaming laptops cost 1000$ and come with an i5 12gen 3060 rtx gpu 16gb ram 512gb ssd while a 1000$ microstoft walmart pc has 8gb ram, no gpu, i5 10gen, 256gb ssd.

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    Thanks for the additional knowledge here, I believed you mean the companies "you invested in" (:

    My role here is not to judge who's right or wrong, we have our own moral compass, and to what extent of manipulation is ethical. We all have our reasons/justifications which allows us to sleep peacefully at night. I'm not going to dive in there.

    Here, Creating a shortage of supply with our purchasing power is relatively more acceptable, at least in my humble opinion, compared to the new strategy I have noticed. The former at the bare minimum allows the market to decide on the final price, the latter actively controls the price with their offers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yoloswagx View Post
    I mean do u guys even bother reading these?or ur jus assuming?

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
    Thanks for this! Seems that its wrong at least when it comes to AL rules, Including all forms of acts under the big umbrella of manipulation. Looks like this AL rule is currently only on paper and has not been strictly practiced but I do think they may make clearer statements as time goes by or as the market situation worsens.

  22. #19
    Luminary Poster Encryptions's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Analytical View Post
    Thanks for the additional knowledge here, I believed you mean the companies "you invested in" (:
    No, I actually own a company currently, I rarely work with it since its low in demand and I barely have time, but me and a few other guys will choose at what prices we sell our products at.


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