hey all,

you might not have seen me on my normal chars for the last week or so. Thats because i have been building 3 new characters and... wait for it.... playing all 3 at once! Crazy right? Read on. I know not everyone has 3 idevices but im sure a fair amount could have access to two devices if you tried hard. old ipods, old iphones etc. many people just keep these in their desks or in some forgotten corner of their room. So why do this? first of all holy crap is this so much fun and challenging. second, this will get you DOUBLE or TRIPLE chance at pink. MUCH more efficient than luck pots =P

I created these for another reason as well which i will discuss in a separate thread. For now let me just say y'all NEED to try this. Especially the old school guys that complain the game is not hard enough. THIS is a fantastic way to make it much more challenging still using the game mechanics. I know you have spent a lot of time farming the new hidden passages, fun for 10 minutes then you get sick of 1 shot combo blasting. so dont farm on your lvl 45s! You have a couple choices as far as lvl range goes. LVL 19 twinks can farm balefort and balefort hidden passage without gaining xp. LVL 25-29 twinks can farm fathom without any xp and lvl 35 twinks can farm lost expedition without any xp. Hell you can even farm lost expedition with 19 twinks and used it to lvl them up! let me tell you, this is a blast!

So I will be posting more on this soon, i am getting better by the day and i actually hope to start doing Team Zek PVP 3v3 if any of you are up to the challenge =P Yes this is harder in some ways, movement is the trickiest but what its lacking ther is made up for by INSTANT communication between chars. I can pull off quadruple combos with my eyes closed now hehe. More coming soon stay tuned.