Hello Team,
Several of us in the "PvM farming" crew have recently been trying to understand more about Armor and how it impacts us when playing in the Myx Mage and Ebonthrax campaigns - because we are not seeing any benefit to wearing "3x" armor sets. Specifically, at this point based on testing, we believe there is not a benefit to wearing any armor-bonus vanities at all.
Bug: Increasing/Decreasing Armor Has No Effect in PvM
Findings: Testing in Onyx Castle - Ebonthrax
Testing against one singular mob (int-based) enemy spawn in various scenarios below:
#1. 2,552 Armor
While wearing NO vanities, pets, or elixir... only an ebon bow set (with several enchantments)
Base mob damage hits are in the 243-248 range:
#2. 12,052 Armor (no armor multiplier, elix)
Base mob damage hits are in the same range, 243-248
#3. "36,156" Armor (due to metal 3pc set of 3x armor bonus, 12,052 x3):
Base mob damage hits are still in the same range of 243-248
Based on these findings, I have also tested with multiple vanity sets and bonuses. This includes the Merman set (which adds various degrees of armor), the Metal Menace set 3x armor bonus, or the Dark Nymph 2pc set 2x armor bonus, etc. Furthermore, I also sampled the map Myx Mage - A Bow in the Blue with the exact same load-outs of the gear mentioned above. I found the results strikingly similar. When testing against an individual dex-based mob enemy, I was seeing 166 dmg hits continuously with no regard to an increase or decrease in my armor values.
Our crew discussed these findings, and while it is all speculation at this point, we are still confused about how this is possible considering the drastic differences in armor that we are using. To go from 2.5k to 12k to 35k+ armor and see no difference is remarkable. If there is an armor value cap per campaign, then why would a cap not allow or factor in the usage of any vanities or pets... at all? Do none of the armor sets/bonuses work as intended? Do some campaigns not have a cap at all?
EDIT: I did want to clarify that damage bonuses and multipliers are 100% working as expected, and I also tested various health values and bonuses, all of which worked as intended. The core issue is armor is not making an impact OR we as players don't understand what armor actually does.
Additionally, perhaps you may know of a resource or forum post that covers what "armor" provides? Is it supposed to factor into a damage reduction computation or an additional buffer to the health bar? I also tested the above load-outs of gear and timed how long it would take to die (turning health-potions off) and saw minimal differences (which probably are affected by the randomness of hit %/variables) when testing.
Any insight would be appreciated! My friends and I are also glad to test anything further if that helps.