Quote Originally Posted by Flowman View Post
I dunno...this dark manic thing is starting to bother me. You're saying that in the nearly 100k kills Judgement farmed on 8.2 (A Lord's Manor) since the Dark Manic was supposed to have been added, he was just "unlucky?" Meanwhile, the first manic logged on this map comes from the breakable urns on the left branch that Judge skipped during all of his kill farming runs...can't be a coincidence that it wasn't dropping from the werewolves...and now Dexgod sends me a picture of him receiving the dark manic on 8.2 with those urns still intact? Meaning he got it from one of the first 2 mobs on the map. Just seems a little "gated" to me...
If a particular vanity drops on a dungeon mission, the vanity itself can drop from either chests OR minions. Lootable corpses, bookshelves and the like. Basically if it drops gold when you break it, it can maybe possibly drop loot as well - one of which could be a vanity! Again, on appropriate missions.