Quote Originally Posted by nathan2693 View Post
or better not add this feature at all. Once they made a fake proof in auction by buying an item by an overpriced amount by the use of their alt account, they'll start selling things outside and when someone doesn't believe for the price that a manipulator wants, they'll use that fake proof by saying, "look at its price being sold in auction history if you don't believe me"
The last sold in auction doesn’t determine its final price, it just gives you an idea in about which price range you can sell the item. Like if you sell your heroic egg for 5m or for 50m you can look in auc history in which range u can put it in to gain best profit. Ofc vanitys and auras are going to be abused or rare collectibles

Basically it’s a very good idea to add this feature. I just hope they test it 2 weeks with the community and then look if it’s really good or just nah better not waste resources on it. Like with event chests it’s very good to make profit out of chests buying and reselling for 5k more for example.

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