Hi Cinco, and the rest of the Developers and Moderators!
We would like to suggest RESPEC POWER KIT in Dark Legends
We're wondering is it possible to add Respec Power Kit here on Dark Legends. We tried to use Respec Scroll from Arcane Legends, and we can say that if this can be added on Dark Legends then it would be very helpful, especially for PvP players who keeps resetting their powers and of course this would be very much needed during Live Events like Gauntlet.
Now that platinum has been temporarily removed from Nightly Rewards, we think that maybe this is the right time to introduce Respec Power Kit. Respec Power Kit is the alternative way to reset our powers, these Kit can be available during Live Events and can be bought from Event Vendor using tokens or gold as Trade-friendly pack!
Additionally, this would be good for new players and non plat buyers. As most of them cannot buy platinum due to multiple reasons, adding Respec Power Kit would not only help them but this would also give them a chance to play along with other players. So hopefully, this could be available in the future.
~ This is only a suggestion, but we're hoping you can consider it.