Since there are many items that are valued above the 999,999,999 coins which is the maximum gold you can hold in-game.
A possible solution is exchanging the gold into a "Token", For example, you can exchange your 1000 gold coins for 1 "token".
"Tokens" may be used to replace money due to the guaranteed exchange rate of 1,000 coins each or (whatever guarantee exchange rate the developer chooses).
This is helpful for players who are trading more than the maximum coins.
So let's say if someone has 100,000,000 coins they can exchange them for 100,000 tokens.
You can use tokens to freely trade or buy items on auction. You can exchange your "tokens" back to coins and revert them back to "tokens"
With this update change, it allows the economy to keep smoothly growing far into the future.
Thank you for reading please give any feedback!