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Thread: Reviving <The Community Guild>!

  1. #1
    Senior Member Xvanitykingx's Avatar
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    Cool Reviving <The Community Guild>!

    Hello everyone,

    It has been a VERY long time...

    I'm writing this thread to announce that we are looking to revive <The Community Guild> to it's former glory!

    The Community Guild consists of experienced Spacetime Studios players. We originated on the idea that we will help any and all newcomers regardless of their gratitude, attitude or anything. Just to help everyone in general, to grow as a friendly and helpful community, to help not just those who need it but to help even other veteran players with questions they may have. We DO NOT recruit just anyone. Being part of the guild means you are agreeing to Spacetime Studios terms of service; to our terms of service and to being a helpful, loyal and respectful member of the community.

    As stated in our mission statement above, we are looking for a dedicated group of veteran players to join in reviving the guild.

    If you are interested, please submit our application here.

    As you all may or may not remember, we have always held high standards in the guild as we have hosted events for you in the past with Spacetime Studios as sponsors(for things such as platinum rewards, etc.) and we will expect nothing less from our applicants.

    For the time being, most efforts will be focused on Arcane Legends as well as Pocket Legends from time to time.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me in game (IGN: Xvanitykingx on all games) or here on the forums.

    Best regards,

    <The Community Guild>

    Interested in joining <The Community Guild>?
    Click here!
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  3. #2
    Senior Member Golem's Avatar
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    Is this link/site trusted? What if it is somekind of ”fishing” our infos … sry for being careful i wont trust novadays new guild owners or this kind of links

  4. #3
    Senior Member Xvanitykingx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golem View Post
    Is this link/site trusted? What if it is somekind of ”fishing” our infos … sry for being careful i wont trust novadays new guild owners or this kind of links
    I understand your concern. You don’t have to use our website; you can message me directly as well.

    I am the only that gets to see your form when you submit it.

    You can see from the images below; I do not get to see any of your private information.

    Name:  44673D02-D155-4888-B69F-A8B61CCE15E6.jpeg
Views: 1646
Size:  224.2 KB

    Name:  F9EA9FA6-9DC2-45FA-AD1B-A622071FC6B1.jpeg
Views: 1632
Size:  38.4 KB

    Be assured, your information is safe.

    Like I mentioned before, you are more than welcome to message me directly here on forums as well.

    Interested in joining <The Community Guild>?
    Click here!
    (Site still under construction)

  5. #4
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    Xvanitykingx was given the responsibility of guild master of <The Community Guild> by Bilaxman years ago.

    If you played back then, and even look on PL Forums you will see.

    Falsly accusingly others of a scam link that will steal your account details is very concerning, yes it is precautionary, especially if you do not know that person.

    However, please be mindful of your accusations in the future, especially when xvanitykingx is legitimate, and it is all on forums.

    And TCG does have a an official discord server as well as an official website.

    The Community Guild is for our players of PL.
    Those who are honest and willing to help others.
    There are still many players on game who are genuine and good people who still help.

    Unfortunately we also have many who are liars, and scammers who gain your trust first, then scam you big time taking your best items and then they disappear, they lie and say they quit or got banned, but really are using an entirely new account and make a new identity.

    And they do it again, keep gaining trust, and scamming. Then making a new identity. All these pro scammers have made new identities at least 3 or more times in their PL gaming history, they also black market accounts and gold and items on game. Have long time accounts on the blackmarket website epicnpc. Because they have so many different accounts. Even if banned on one, they have several others as a back up.

    It really is up to the ones who where scammed to report.

    Unfortunately some ignorant and cowardly people who do get scammed by these ones are too scared to report because some of the deals where over the blackmarket. Then you have one particular player who is ignorant who got scammed twice by the same scammer pretending to be female on game on two different identity's , and he was too scared to report this scammer because he didn't want drama and thought he scammer will know he reported him.
    Last edited by Fwend; 12-30-2022 at 01:47 PM.

    I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
    -Helen Keller

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    Lol what is this

  8. #6
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    Such drama!

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