Proc rate and mechanic itself are terrible. Specially when i had one of first Hyperos in game (when it had 100% proc chance and much more dmg) and i see the difference after you fixed/nerfed/ruined it. I get that 100% proc chance was too much, but after that 'fix' we usually have to Charge attack like 6-8 times before it procs. By then, boss is already dead tbh, and Hyperos is doing nothing most of time.

So in my opinion is about proc chance and charge mechanic...not small things. Takes too long to charge attack, and if you combine this with proc rate, we have current situation where its being obliterated by most of mages.

On a side note, proc chance of Kraken armor is pretty bad, mostly if you are on a single target fight (aka boss). Im talking about mage armor, i dont know about other classes