The kraken Daggers definitely puts Rogues in a nice spot right now. Having the means to kill bosses feels nice. But from what I have seen, not used first-hand (no seller for kraken yet), the Daggers dish out insanely high damage compared to other Arcanes 81.

Perhaps tone down the damage by a decent amount on Kraken Daggs Aura (maybe by 10-30%), or maybe buff the other Arcanes to match a similar damage output. Since every one apparently has a problem with how op the daggers are in terms of damage.

Reducing the Damage on Kraken Daggs aura should not make the boss killing factor to go away though (not nerfing the damage heavily), hopefully not. Since ultimate aimed shot is a 50-50 hit or miss ultimate, having a means of killing bosses effectively should be present with the Rogue class. This is a comparison to polaris/neptaris +ultimate, and the mage hyperos + ebon aquaris + ultimate doing insanely good damage to bosses.

On the other hand if there are plans which only the Devs know of and we do not, then I gladly shall wait and watch enjoying the game as it is, perhaps a new map requiring OP Arcanes.

Not very sure of where the 81 Bow stands right now though, so cannot say anything about it since I don't use bows too often. Unless its to weapon swap to raise base damage helping to kill minibosses in Esunk, and to kill Rahabkor.