Quote Originally Posted by Juo View Post
Let us craft Arcane Weapons using :
Example ingredients for Gun :
10x Immo Gun L56
10x Creeping Gun L66
10x Skratch Rifle L76
10x Hyperos
20M Gold
Pros :
+ Gold sink
- Arc Items Oversupply

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Based on your suggestion only 2 or 3 guns would be crafted. Even if crafting a new weapon from other old weapons isn t a bad ideea for gold sink purpose I think this should only be done if they will cosider adding those old Arcane Weapons in the loot table in certain areas across Arlor eith a decent drop rate. This will reactivate the old content and will give another purpose to all those obsolete items and will have a positive impact on the overall economy. This would be a true gold sink. As Asommers mentioned on a suggestion thread, a potential addition of some nightmare content that will scale every map to 81, could be the perfect place where those old pieces could be reintroduced.