Quote Originally Posted by asommers View Post
I let it slide for months, but now I'll be enforcing this thread.

We will now start removing posts/threads that don't provide constructive criticism or meaningful topics. If your comment doesn't belong in the thread, it will be deleted. Why are you commenting about Y when the thread is about X? Make a new thread, or find an open thread that's discussing the topic you want.

"But my thread didn't have any toxicity!"
Well, maybe initially, but then it devolved into hateful bashing. It also doesn't help when Spacetime is misrepresented/misquoted to further your agenda.

The bashing is getting old. Do you want your threads/posts ignored? You have a DIRECT line to the actual developers (designers/artists/programmers) and decision makers that are making the game. Why do we need this constant, relentless, and grinding negativity? Do you think I want to delete threads? Next step would be hiring a person to sit between you and us. All of your feedback and comments would be filtered and become tick marks on a tally.

If you don't want to play, DON'T PLAY. I don't want to hear about how you don't want to play, just go away. Vote with your time and vote with your wallet.

We love this game and we love the players. We're always open to constructive criticism and we want to hear your constructive feedback in order to improve the game.


PS. Finished reading? Great! Now read it again.

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