comment on the new war weapons, since I only tried these. I think you need to convert the kraken into a set and a kraken sword rework
comment on the new war weapons, since I only tried these. I think you need to convert the kraken into a set and a kraken sword rework
Last edited by asommers; 10-15-2022 at 09:29 AM. Reason: Updated title by request
Yes, set bonus would be nice, maybe a 2/2 or 3/3
Nah - 1 arc item cant be a set u could use and the change to another hotbar with mythic set everyone is doing it with another items
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Arcane items base stats are alrdy too powerful compared to mythics. Shouldn't make them a set .
Yes it is true that they grant much more dps but the procs are not powerful enough. I think that the kraken aegis fulfills its function very well. but the sword... Maybe making it set, makes the difference in stopping using the mytic for the end game.
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currently we have very low basic stats (5-15k) dps compared to the dps that some procs do like the mythical lv 81. maybe it's time to increase those basic stats and some more normal procs
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Maybe its just good to just buff the arcane weapons or the procs of warrior instead of making it a set
lol they want buffs proc + add set bonus rip all in 1 hit.😂😂😂 now we can run solo and use ghost party, arcane legend will become solo legend.
If kraken set gets a set bonus would be interesting if this bonus wasnt stat oriented but rather extra effect like a passive.
Check this thread by Synergia:
Proud officer of Deviant Misfits
Map specific if you do.
No to arcane being a set..these items should work independently.
even if it is arcane doesn't mean that the damage and stats should be doubled or x3 against mythics, but @Dev need a buffs for damage of arc 81 bow and others using a bow now is like using duggar bows proc lol.