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Thread: Black Biomorph and Ebon Desire Sets

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Black Biomorph and Ebon Desire Sets


    Can we have Black bio and Ebon Desire sets return? They have only come once some years ago for like 3 days for both Gold and Plat and that is it. These sets are absolutely non-existent on the game, the one or two people with trade-friendly Ebon or Black bio only sell them on the black market for real world Money, so this is encouraging black market, and the ones who buy them just keep them forever and never sell them. They do not have to return for gold even, they can just be plat. We just want to have a chance to buying them again and stopping the whole black market thing going on it is an absolute disease and it's very unfair. What is the point of an item if it does not exist? The most rare item in the game is Helix. And guess what? it isn't even rare there are so many people with helix and some people with 2 or 3 even. Wherever you go there's helix. But these sets they are non-existent. I have been offering an absurd offer for Black Biomorph for the past month and this one guy who had it didn't want to sell. Later he admitted that he sold it for 300$. It's insane how someone is willing to pay that much for a set in game when they could have bought it for Plat fair and square.

    Thank you for reading

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  3. #2
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    Yeah, I totally agree. The fact its provoking black market is very true!

  4. #3
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    Nobody has Ebon or Black bio trade-able

  5. #4
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    Exactly, which only provokes black market. It's always like this, an item that doesn't exist? It does exist on black market and only there which is really vile. Not fair for the community. So can we please have these sets return

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squidgame View Post

    Can we have Black bio and Ebon Desire sets return? They have only come once some years ago for like 3 days for both Gold and Plat and that is it. These sets are absolutely non-existent on the game, the one or two people with trade-friendly Ebon or Black bio only sell them on the black market for real world Money, so this is encouraging black market, and the ones who buy them just keep them forever and never sell them. They do not have to return for gold even, they can just be plat. We just want to have a chance to buying them again and stopping the whole black market thing going on it is an absolute disease and it's very unfair. What is the point of an item if it does not exist? The most rare item in the game is Helix. And guess what? it isn't even rare there are so many people with helix and some people with 2 or 3 even. Wherever you go there's helix. But these sets they are non-existent. I have been offering an absurd offer for Black Biomorph for the past month and this one guy who had it didn't want to sell. Later he admitted that he sold it for 300$. It's insane how someone is willing to pay that much for a set in game when they could have bought it for Plat fair and square.

    Thank you for reading
    Hello, how do you even hear about 'Black Market Trade'?
    Im curious because I have not heard of this method. I assume you mean through social media or something. Discord would be number one that players use to communicate, though I thought the Discord for real DL discussion was non existent. Discord that I got invited to for DL once had a bunch of teens sending screenshots and making drama; I left as soon as I joined. I thought DL was supposed to be for mature adults not a bunch of kids.

    I mean how would black market trade even work if you give someone real cash- they could take it and run.
    I only seen beggars pretty much beg for gift card codes with cash value in game or google play currency. I usually ignore and block those immediately.

    I know both Ebony Desire and Black Biomorph are rare, as many players who owned them or had multiple pieces stopped playing.
    Helix is insane at the price in game 20Billion Gold. I dont know many players who even have that much gold and it is a pretty risky trade anyhow because you have to use alt accounts etc.

    I agree with you 100% that many items that are old should be brought back for either gold or platinum.
    Many players have thrown fits over old items coming back or not being 'locked' or in other words not available to buy ever again. Be prepared for people to comment in your post about that because I have dealt with a few people in this forum that complain when others ask for old or rare items to make a brief comeback.

    Prices are so insane we need to have the gold cap raised in store and on accounts or the new level cap come out and hopefully decrease the outrageous inflation in the game. I will not pay 20 billion for one item that is mainly for flexing and has no real purpose in the game, thats just my opinion because I dont understand why the item is so sought after. I understand Gigers purpose but not the Helix.

    Anyhow I hope Xmas Event will bring us new items, and some old rare favorites!

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