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Can we have Black bio and Ebon Desire sets return? They have only come once some years ago for like 3 days for both Gold and Plat and that is it. These sets are absolutely non-existent on the game, the one or two people with trade-friendly Ebon or Black bio only sell them on the black market for real world Money, so this is encouraging black market, and the ones who buy them just keep them forever and never sell them. They do not have to return for gold even, they can just be plat. We just want to have a chance to buying them again and stopping the whole black market thing going on it is an absolute disease and it's very unfair. What is the point of an item if it does not exist? The most rare item in the game is Helix. And guess what? it isn't even rare there are so many people with helix and some people with 2 or 3 even. Wherever you go there's helix. But these sets they are non-existent. I have been offering an absurd offer for Black Biomorph for the past month and this one guy who had it didn't want to sell. Later he admitted that he sold it for 300$. It's insane how someone is willing to pay that much for a set in game when they could have bought it for Plat fair and square.
Thank you for reading