2 ideas; 1 complex, 1 simple:
1 - Loot eliminated from loot pool when its looted.
2 - A choice of the best loot when 600 pulls is achieved. (like quest rewards)
Locked crate rework, 2 things appeared when I searched for that, so here is my idea(s) add yours 2 if u want.
I noticed more than an average number of posts recently about locked crates, so...
Every looted item is removed from the loot pool of the crate we open, until we loot the highest tier of item.
Seemed like a simple idea to add in my head but now as I write this I have discovered it won't be.. hahaha
Perhaps, start by creating a source containing all the locked crates in game, including info for each similar to the old guild rankings. Such as amount opened, average level opened by, average time between openings, loot obtained, etc. (if possible).
Use the data pulled from the source to decide which crates to work on and or remove from the game entirely.
So many crates now maybe you'll need to make a tool, remove some from game, or simply apply this system to the newest crates, perhaps labelling them as Forgiving < ____ > Locked Crate for example.
Seems unfair. Most people loot nothing, and those who do loot something, do not loot what they want/need. Players who spend money are not happy.