Love the thread, thanks Hook! Concise, straight-to-the-point and great feedback. I wanted to chime in with some thoughts and also share what I've heard from others as well.

#2. Adding to your point, and I'm sure people will want to make this controversial even though it follows precedent (lol - as some are extremely hardcore for keeping them account-bound and are outspoken to keep things as they are). I think offering players the choice to craft into 1H would be pretty awesome though. Maybe something to the effect of crafting all 3 (or just 2 or just 1) DemiGod items into the 1h of your choice? I do think having the option to use platinum and craft any of those DemiGod items as tradable (just like we could craft into tradable Pfieffer, White Dragon/Blue Angel, for example) would be a positive. Having the badges/titles/achievements as account-bound are great as-is, too.

And as Nihiliste said, maybe a specialized quest to make that happen would be best (and avoid confusion at the Forge).

#4. As it is so OP, it probably needs to be at least looked at for a potential nerf, but 'ice' does act best against fire. Maybe there was some level of intentional OP-ness? Lol. Bird DoT is nowhere near as good, but it does damage - and like you said, I'll need to test other classes once I cap them.

#6. Agreed on set bonuses - there is currently no set bonus for the uncrafted 115 mythic items, and we have yet to hear/confirm if there is a set bonus for any number of crafted 115 mythic either. I will say that the newer gear is definitely better than 110 mythic. I think elite 115 is also better than 110 mythic (and I'm sort of 50/50 if that is best or not).

#9. I think everyone would agree they "want" the new mythic gear, but I honestly like for it to be "rarer" ...especially only a few days into the new campaign. I know lots of players spent lots of gold on XP elixirs and sets in order to grind, so being able to drop rare gear and sell at a premium (and prices will come down as more people play) is a benefit to playing. I think making DemiGods tradable would help players have the option to 'cash out' and make it easier to purchase new mythic gear, too.