Quote Originally Posted by ignwizzywhite View Post
Love the thread, thanks Hook! Concise, straight-to-the-point and great feedback. I wanted to chime in with some thoughts and also share what I've heard from others as well.

#9. I think everyone would agree they "want" the new mythic gear, but I honestly like for it to be "rarer" ...especially only a few days into the new campaign. I know lots of players spent lots of gold on XP elixirs and sets in order to grind, so being able to drop rare gear and sell at a premium (and prices will come down as more people play) is a benefit to playing. I think making DemiGods tradable would help players have the option to 'cash out' and make it easier to purchase new mythic gear, too.
I wanted to highlight this particularly because I do not feel the L115 gear should be considered a “rare” thing. The thing we look for in PL is activity. Many casual players will not be motivated if the L115 sets are too hard to come by. I don’t agree with the inflation in PL and I do think having a better drop rate for the items will fix this issue. I’ve been in situations where I didn’t have gear to PvP like I primarily do, and it was very unmotivating and people weren’t helping by selling them for ungodly amount of gold, we will have a lot more players active if the gear can be obtained easier.