Hello! IGN is Taikeo. I have been playing for a couple of weeks and so far I like this game pretty well. Mobile games really haven't appealed to me long term.. mostly just get things my 4 year old son likes. Anyway I did a search for MMO on the app store (being a longtime WoW player) and found DL, SL, and PL. So far DL is my favorite.

Some questions:

PvP - I love PvP in WoW (which I am no pro but do fairly well at) and have tried PvP a few times in DL (CtF) but really don't get it. Is there someplace I can go to see the maps and learn about the mechanics? Any other tips are also greatly appreciated.

Auctions - what is the deal with some pinks I can list and others I can't?

Guilds - Any good guilds out there that like to run stuff (PvE and PvP) together? Is there a guild chat function in DL?

Thanks in advance!