anyways, since the players are starting to dislike the vanity teaser that you posted, i suggest to work on the vanity sets that i posted for a limited time while occupy windmoore event which are the following:

Jarl Gruwald Vanity set for Warrior
Thunk One Eye Vanity set for Rogue
Ghul Bellybottom Vanity set for Mage

I think this is the better thing to do in case your upcoming winter event vanities will be disliked by many. Act quick if you wanna earn some money although i dunno if its still possible with the remaining time that we have.

2nd, i suggest to reward the top 5 or 10 players with additional 100 house slots cap for upcoming winter event so that they'll have a reason to run for. In short they'll have a 700 maximum house slots at the end of the winter event. This thing might cause a gold sink as well since some of them are house slot freaks. They can only receive this reward once in case they try to hit top 5 to 10 spot if ever you will make another 3 weeks event just like what you did on Halloween event where the rewards and LB rewards resets weekly