I fully support the use of xp kits.

I have helped my guild with the award of the Fast cap and many others with advice how to cap quickly.

What to wear, which elixirs to use, where to level for what levels and which map. My guide to fast cap evolved over time with new techniques and learning from others.

I understand there needs to be a period where, players need to experience the grind to level to 115 to be a more better player and not be so noob when learning the merchanics of the new Campaign and to learn how to play their class.

This new campaign was launched on the 16th November 2022. It has only been 5 weeks since it has been released.

Yes I agree that xp kits should be enabled to allow others to cap too, however, I do understand why they are not yet. It is still too soon.

We should wait at least 2 months or more before these xp kits are enabled to allow players to experience the grind of levelling up, as well as learning how to craft the new 115 sets as well as learning how to play their individual classes.

This event is amazing, it is very easy to cap to 115 if you place some effort into the grind, if you have time, as well as looting the new 115 mythic equipment.

Xp orbs and kits drop very frequently, for characters under level 115. Cinco did an amazing job with the loot table this year for the Escort Father Frost map.

He took out the useless elite and legendary 115 loot, we only loot 115 mythic and xp orbs as well as xp kits and vanity items nothing else. I applaud the one's in STS who created the loot table this year for this event. It was well thought about and considered.