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    Spacetime Studios Dev Futumsh's Avatar
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    Default 2023-01-10 Content Update (298968)

    + Prince Lev'Lar returns to Alterra to drop XP Orbs and Experience Kits!
    + Event runs from January 12th though 26th.
    + Hunt down Prince Lev'Lar, loot his XP and sail to Level 115 with style and ease!
    + The Prince has a minimal chance to spawn anywhere in the realm (when a dungeon chest is opened).
    + Speak to Queen Avanca on the island in the "Dragkin Terror" Campaign and buy the trade-friendly Hunters' Elixir Kit.
    + The Prince has a much higher chance to spawn when defeating monsters in the "Molten Mountain" areas - but only when the Hunters' Elixir is active.
    + Prince Lev'Lar does not drop XP Orbs for Legends that are already Level 115.
    + However, in addition to XP Kits, Level 115 players have a chance to loot Elixir Kits, Makeup Kits and special vanity items!
    + Level 115 players also have the opportunity to loot 5X Damage and 5X Experience Elixir Kits.
    + Prince Lev'Lar also has a chance to drop the "Electric Eye" and "Burning Gaze" Makeup Kits (again for Level 115's).
    + Fixed detailed descriptions of Winter Warfare vanities.

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    hello, would it be possible to get an idea of which vanity items this boss will drop? Is it something new?

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    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    Thank you for this Prince Lev'lar mini event, those who where too busy during winterfest event can now cap during this mini event.

    Can you please specify which vanity items are in the loot table for this event?

    And have the other bugs have been fixed too;
    The Gelid swords of Death can not be worn with The Gelid shield of Death
    The Winter Warefare Axes can not be worn with The Winter Warefare shield
    Last edited by Fwend; 01-11-2023 at 06:06 PM.

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    Many have been asking to re-release the "blood dragon" set, it's a very cool set and only a few have the chance to complete it. In any case, thanks for the content team

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    yes, please re-release the blood dragon set. there is only one complete set in the game that i know of and nobody can ever complete their own sets because of the lack of helms!

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    I think most people are in agreement! We need more blood dragon helmets!

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    Why not re-release the items many black market for? those impact the game more than anything because of all the scammers and black market players who bot in locked games with 5 different 115 accounts for loot and gold, and they sell these high end items for real life money as well as selling the PL gold for real life money.

    Items like:

    - Blackended Helm of the Dragon
    - Blackended Scales of the Dragon
    - Dragon's Breath Seared Helm
    - Dragon's Breath Seared Scales
    - Dragonet's Piering Helm
    - Dragonet's Piercing Scales
    - Dragonet's Elite Fire Xbow
    - Dragon's Breath Elite Staff
    - Elite Fire Axe of the Dragon
    - Elite Marlin Sword
    - Elite Wave Twister
    - Fossilized Dragon egg
    - Humaina Face
    - Founder's Helm
    - Crown of Persistance
    - Nuri Shield
    - Mantel of Humaina

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fwend View Post
    Why not re-release the items many black market for? those impact the game more than anything because of all the scammers and black market players who bot in locked games with 5 different 115 accounts for loot and gold, and they sell these high end items for real life money as well as selling the PL gold for real life money.

    Items like:

    - Blackended Helm of the Dragon
    - Blackended Scales of the Dragon
    - Dragon's Breath Seared Helm
    - Dragon's Breath Seared Scales
    - Dragonet's Piering Helm
    - Dragonet's Piercing Scales
    - Dragonet's Elite Fire Xbow
    - Dragon's Breath Elite Staff
    - Elite Fire Axe of the Dragon
    - Elite Marlin Sword
    - Elite Wave Twister
    - Fossilized Dragon egg
    - Humaina Face
    - Founder's Helm
    - Crown of Persistance
    - Nuri Shield
    - Mantel of Humaina
    I agree sunny we should bring back the blood dragon set so people do not BM it!!!

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    There is no issue about the blood dragon helm being black market, because I own it and I'll never sell it.

    Unlike all the other high end items on game players black market and bot and sell for real life money.

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    the blood dragon set also perfectly matches the fast cap demigod vanity rewards and fits the dragon theme of the new cap which is why it would be perfect to re-release it!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kazori View Post
    the blood dragon set also perfectly matches the fast cap demigod vanity rewards and fits the dragon theme of the new cap which is why it would be perfect to re-release it!
    EXACTLY! Cinco the blood drag set seems like it was made for the 115 fast cappers, it looks so nice with the new weapons you made for our achievement

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    I agree that if we are re-releasing vanitys, Blood Dragon would be awesome to see again, especially in towne on more than one person.

    I am not complaining about the surplus of events but am curious why we have 1) A fast cap event then 2) Xmas Event, which many used to get themselves to cap and then 3) Now another leveling event? I love the amount of events but I think a little creativity is in order instead of just having one goal for 3 events in a row (technically 4 if you count halloween preparing for cap).

    Personally I feel a little let down by fast capping, because all I got was 3 two-handed weapons, that are untradeable and don't work with any set! I think that if the fast cap weapons could complete Bone Sets, Ext. Sets, Chem Etc. It would make a lot more sense, as well as giving the weapons a purpose other than sitting in out inventories. Also maybe please consider making the sword one handed

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    Why no re release the Azure Dragon vanity set too? there are only 5 of those on game? the blue one?
    If blood dragon vanity set will be reintroduced?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fwend View Post
    Why no re release the Azure Dragon vanity set too? there are only 5 of those on game? the blue one?
    If blood dragon vanity set will be reintroduced?
    Hi sunny, that is an exclusive Leaderboard item and should not be brought back, cheers

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    Personally I think Blood Dragon should be released again, but not because I like the set, I just have a thing for blood you know?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fwend View Post
    There is no issue about the blood dragon helm being black market, because I own it and I'll never sell it.

    Unlike all the other high end items on game players black market and bot and sell for real life money.

    Sunny has a good point here. Shes the only one with it and she will never sell so that eliminates the opportunity for anyone else to have a full set, or to ever black market it.

    I'd love to see it back as well!

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    Quote Originally Posted by OutlawHD View Post
    Sunny has a good point here. Shes the only one with it and she will never sell so that eliminates the opportunity for anyone else to have a full set, or to ever black market it.

    I'd love to see it back as well!
    I think It's universally loved! Everyone loves a good sequel even if it was a rare drop I'd love to get a shot at getting one

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    What about the introduction of the forest protector vanity items?

    Forest Protector bow
    Forest Protector staff
    Forest Protector pistol
    Forest Protector Timepiece

    The weapons and time pieces that one particular player has hoarded and now selling for overpriced over gold cap to make profit from? and all the tee's? the PL, SL , DL & AL tees and meta tees?

    and the valentines wings the ones, these black market players hoarded and bought and have pushed those prices over 1 billion gold cap too?

    Ashen wings of love
    Golden wing's of love
    Natures wings of love
    Pallid wings of love
    Pretty Pink wings of love
    Royal Purple Wings of Love
    Sky blue wings of love

    The thought of re introduction of past Event Vanity items, should be considered if all these other items are being added too. We should think about items that are all over gold cap due to the greed of players and how it affects the game.

    All these players trade , buy and sell these items for real life money and illegally make money off virtual items on game, as well as selling PL gold for real life money.

    The black market on game is a real and current issue as well as the bots that do this 24/7 in full games of 5 , level 115 accounts (this is even advertised on the black market website to sell the bot program and this player advertises his link on discord servers that help the black market)
    Last edited by Fwend; 01-12-2023 at 04:10 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fwend View Post
    What about the introduction of the forest protector vanity items?

    Forest Protector bow
    Forest Protector staff
    Forest Protector pistol
    Forest Protector Timepiece
    leaderboard - shouldn't come back.

    tees are from crates - wouldn't make sense as a drop, and they already have came back recolored multiple times

    valentine wings - a valentine item, shouldn't come back in a non-valentine event

    idk all of these examples shouldn't come back for this event for various reasons, Blood dragon on the other hand...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fwend View Post
    What about the introduction of the forest protector vanity items?

    Forest Protector bow
    Forest Protector staff
    Forest Protector pistol
    Forest Protector Timepiece

    The weapons and time pieces that one particular player has hoarded and now selling for overpriced over gold cap to make profit from? and all the tee's? the PL, SL , DL & AL tees and meta tees?

    and the valentines wings the ones, these black market players hoarded and bought and have pushed those prices over 1 billion gold cap too?

    Pretty Pink wings of love
    Ashen wings of love
    Golden wing's of love
    Natures wings of love
    Sky blue wings of love
    Pallid wings of love

    The thought of re introduction of past Event Vanity items, should be considered if all these other items are being added too. We should think about items that are all over gold cap due to the greed of players and how it affects the game.

    All these players trade , buy and sell these items for real life money and illegally make money off virtual items on game, as well as selling PL gold for real life money.

    The black market on game is a real and current issue as well as the bots that do this 24/7 in full games of 5 , level 115 accounts (this is even advertised on the black market website to sell the bot program and this player advertises his link on discord servers that help the black market)
    Hi sunny, timepiece is an exclusive Leaderboard item and should not be brought back, cheers!

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