Quote Originally Posted by SugarTheOne View Post
- There will be no more "trade-scammers" in the game. They often cheat when the trade price exceeds 1b.
- For the convenience of storing and exchanging gold. Gold will become more valuable, which will lower the prices.
- The auction will start selling everything. Open competition lowers prices of expensive items.

Traders - players who have a lot of items, on the contrary, they are happy that prices will rise now.
No matter what's the gold capacity is, there will always be scammers everywhere. These folks exist everywhere, only way to prevent this is to trade carefully with a help of midman. Even back then the gold capacity was 9m there were already alot of scammers. Increasing the gold capacity won't lower the prices, this will only give the merchants another advantage to exceed within the normal prices. We already had gold event from previous years, and after they increased the gold cap did the prices went down? I don't think so. Plus I saw alot of players creating new accounts just to use it to hold gold, if they increase the gold cap, then most of them won't buy char slot anymore. This is my opinion only!