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Thread: Bow in the Blue Quest

  1. #1
    Junior Member seasidesolitude's Avatar
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    Smile Bow in the Blue Quest

    Hey everyone. Been on this quest for quite some time now, and obviously it has been a little torturous nowadays with Bow in the Blue runs being rare to find. I have heard around though of an elite shield or something you can wear to make the Myx Maze quests faster? Some people have said a certain shield gives you x2 quest xp, and also I was told a certain shield could give you up to 15 per run? Is it that level 105 Elite Birthday Buckler shield thing? Thanks for the help. Myx Maze has been so annoying and long. Only on 26/100 with the standard 1/100 per run. It’s mind-numbing lol.

  2. #2
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    The shield is called Novenary Buckler I believe, you can also use Legendary Decade shield which is rarer though. These both come at a relatively high cost if you are a newer player though.

    They are very worth it to me though, your quest progress is added to everytime you kill a troll instead of originally only when you kill the boss. When I was doing the quests I think i got 70/100 on the first one, realized I had 2 more full quests to go through and just caved and bought a Novenary for 70M at the time. Completed all the quests in less than an hour or two with it. (though this was while there were active runs going on)


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  4. #3
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    The Birthday Buckler (8th year birthday crafted shield) or The Noventary Buckler (9th year birthday crafted shield) elite shields level 105 will give you a quest chance drop from killing the Blue Guardians.

    I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
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  6. #4
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    If you buy myx hyper mage tickets, you can do the quests much faster. You just kill skeletons until there’s a green aura around you and then run to the middle and kill myx, then rinse and repeat.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #5
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    La verdad es que no tengo la menor idea, tengo 251 misiones echas de 262 y estoy súper estresado porque hay algunas para las que no estoy calificado y no se qué hacer para estarlo

  8. #6
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    I had to use google translate

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    You can press the Quests tab, and then press the little triangle in the bottom middle of the screen

    Name:  Screenshot_20230120_025728_sts.pl_edit_5259395797095912.jpg
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    And all the campaigns will come up, with all the quests and details of which quest you are missing and how to complete them

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    I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
    -Helen Keller

  9. #7
    Junior Member seasidesolitude's Avatar
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    Thank you all so much for the help! Finally completed Myx Maze quests. There’s no shortcut to the Asylum Earth 100 key quest as well? Or is that one just a grind? Haha.

  10. #8
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    There is no short cut to the Asylum Earth quests.

    It is much easier on a bird class as to destroy the shield of the boss when he shields up, or use the volta dagger level 105 elite to break the shield.

    Using the barrels work too but sometimes it misses breaking the shield.

    I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
    -Helen Keller

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