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  1. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    So we spent the day considering and debating alternatives to direct gold loot from monsters because of complaints surrounding set-switching. Here's where things stand:

    - The 'end level chest' method has big issues that cannot be easily solved. First issue is leeching. Leeching will be a significant problem if all you have to do is hit the post-boss chest. Solutions to this are a rat's nest of complexity that will risk lots of new exploits and bugs. Second issue is alt-parties. It will be most efficient for individuals to run maps with one well-geared toon and then collect a full party's worth of gold with their three alts (since they only need to be around at the end to score gold loot).

    - Accepting the suggestion in good faith I set up an 'end level chest' test and spent several hours playing Zodias maps with no gold loot 'til the final boss was killed. It doesn't feel good. TBH it's a terrible experience. It really underscored how important it is to have the little moments of excitement from looting gold and items.

    - Dropping a gold loot chest instead of direct gold loot has some big problems also - primarily the fact that we don't currently have support for a chest that gives gold and respects gold loot bonuses from equipment and pet HB. It's not a bad idea and I will consider investing in the changes required to make this possible. It's not going to happen in the short-term.

    - Portal boss loot is going to be buffed next week. It makes sense for these bosses to pay out a lot since the maps are not open all of the time.

    - When I indicated that I was keen to nerf Zodias minion gold loot to appease players who didn't like switching sets I got several private messages from players who absolutely hate the idea. I will consider their feedback as well. In the meantime, you have the choice. Stripping gold from the minions strips the choice and that's not popular with everyone ;-)

    In non-gold related news: the Kraken Battle Sword is going to get some love in the coming week (or two), and the Robo Crab Bombs are very likely going back to their previous mechanic of insta-kill with no stun so that properly spec'ed players can play the content the way it was originally designed.

    Best wishes! And thanks for a very exciting day of conversations!
    Thanks for good info about Krak sword, i cant wait for it !

  2. #162
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    Question why nerf not come before awa event ? Just straight after xD
    Imagine greedily robbing kids and ask to come with constructive opinion

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    ign: NEXPL

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  4. #163
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    @cinco well this ekenta and rahab is going to be a waste I think u should open it again once u buff zodias lair maps

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  5. #164
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    Hello now that everything boss is nerf even in portals where will be the farming now?

  6. #165
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    Hope buffing kraken sword not ganna be the warior like ***
    assassin tank lol if thats happen rip balance.

  7. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    So we spent the day considering and debating alternatives to direct gold loot from monsters because of complaints surrounding set-switching. Here's where things stand:

    - The 'end level chest' method has big issues that cannot be easily solved. First issue is leeching. Leeching will be a significant problem if all you have to do is hit the post-boss chest. Solutions to this are a rat's nest of complexity that will risk lots of new exploits and bugs. Second issue is alt-parties. It will be most efficient for individuals to run maps with one well-geared toon and then collect a full party's worth of gold with their three alts (since they only need to be around at the end to score gold loot).

    - Accepting the suggestion in good faith I set up an 'end level chest' test and spent several hours playing Zodias maps with no gold loot 'til the final boss was killed. It doesn't feel good. TBH it's a terrible experience. It really underscored how important it is to have the little moments of excitement from looting gold and items.

    - Dropping a gold loot chest instead of direct gold loot has some big problems also - primarily the fact that we don't currently have support for a chest that gives gold and respects gold loot bonuses from equipment and pet HB. It's not a bad idea and I will consider investing in the changes required to make this possible. It's not going to happen in the short-term.

    - Portal boss loot is going to be buffed next week. It makes sense for these bosses to pay out a lot since the maps are not open all of the time.

    - When I indicated that I was keen to nerf Zodias minion gold loot to appease players who didn't like switching sets I got several private messages from players who absolutely hate the idea. I will consider their feedback as well. In the meantime, you have the choice. Stripping gold from the minions strips the choice and that's not popular with everyone ;-)

    In non-gold related news: the Kraken Battle Sword is going to get some love in the coming week (or two), and the Robo Crab Bombs are very likely going back to their previous mechanic of insta-kill with no stun so that properly spec'ed players can play the content the way it was originally designed.

    Best wishes! And thanks for a very exciting day of conversations!
    Why buff nextweek?.. can't right now? As you said elite portals should not be affected by this nerf and here we are now we experiencing low drops of golds in elite portals.. we wait for about days to open the elite portal and what we had is low amount of drops.. the buff or the fix of elite portals are needed right now and not nextweek because as you stated elite portals should not be affected by this nerf

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  8. #167
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    This is the worst update I’ve seen!! Many are selling their items and they going to quit the game. This ruined the game..

  9. #168
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    Almost everyone need Elite sunken back like old update, the new nerf effects everyone in game.. specially feel sad for new poor people, have no place to farm, and can’t afford to buy the op items in game, which make it harder for them!

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  11. #169
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    insert a 1 week event of hyberian labyrinth, so we can all have kraken items 😊, this will help f2p adopt to the changes being made right now

  12. #170
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    Not even a portal gives gold then so that you have set gold and the event is lost gold in an elixir by fireworks and does not recover the investment are killing the game or where to farm

  13. #171
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    All this talk about gold loot…from players and developers if this is all that matters now. After ten years this game should be better than it’s laughable that anyone would want to run a map for hours on end for gold loot(yet like sheep we do @@)…some decisions along the way have been good..but many more mistakes have been made..the simple fact that sts think that people(other than lb runners) will run event maps like winter for poor tier rewards..and then continue running when nothing useful can be obtained at the vendor is shocking to be honest but this appears to be the path we’re following now. It’s the reason so many of my good friends have stopped playing and why I find players getting so angry and frustrated in game and on forums. It feels that there is no depth to this game which in the early years can be forgiven but 10 years on..not so much. I feel the AL community deserved so much more.

  14. #172
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    really wrong move, this happened after all the players got used to the high gold loot and the new items doubled and tripled at the same time as the update of the drop in gold loot on the map with no replacement map to source gold, many were affected so many were also the one who complained just because of the complaint of a few players because they don't enjoy farming gold.

  15. #173
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    Where farming now?

  16. #174
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    Eventos malos sin ganancias adonde el farming

  17. #175
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    but what a flat update, every day they make the game die more, where is it going to farm? What maps will there be? in this game there are never ideas, every day they destroy more of the game It was fine like that, at the end of the year they would have nerfed sunken, if they say that next year there will be expansion, it's too early to make many moves Many people I know without offending, both rich and poor, increased gl, and lost a lot of gold, in the awaken event the gl was expensive, ? Or what ideas will they do for farm?What a dick, literally, the gold in portals is also super low, and the portals take more than a week to open, do you think we will play a lot of portals? With its modifications it takes time to open, aaaaaa fock Do you know what destroys the Latino community? and the Latino community is the one that plays very little, all the Latino guilds are already dying, I can't do much to save my communication, you destroy it with your updates , They don't understand what people do to increase gl, they worked hard to buy their first set, new players find the game very difficult, just like old players sometimes get bored and leave forever, sts....... Broken

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  19. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rangersss View Post
    but what a flat update, every day they make the game die more, where is it going to farm? What maps will there be? in this game there are never ideas, every day they destroy more of the game It was fine like that, at the end of the year they would have nerfed sunken, if they say that next year there will be expansion, it's too early to make many moves Many people I know without offending, both rich and poor, increased gl, and lost a lot of gold, in the awaken event the gl was expensive, ? Or what ideas will they do for farm?What a dick, literally, the gold in portals is also super low, and the portals take more than a week to open, do you think we will play a lot of portals? With its modifications it takes time to open, aaaaaa fock Do you know what destroys the Latino community? and the Latino community is the one that plays very little, all the Latino guilds are already dying, I can't do much to save my communication, you destroy it with your updates , They don't understand what people do to increase gl, they worked hard to buy their first set, new players find the game very difficult, just like old players sometimes get bored and leave forever, sts....... Broken

    Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 8 mediante Tapatalk
    Ty bro Everything is from bad to worse

  20. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anehazaz View Post
    All this talk about gold loot…from players and developers if this is all that matters now. After ten years this game should be better than it’s laughable that anyone would want to run a map for hours on end for gold loot(yet like sheep we do @@)…some decisions along the way have been good..but many more mistakes have been made..the simple fact that sts think that people(other than lb runners) will run event maps like winter for poor tier rewards..and then continue running when nothing useful can be obtained at the vendor is shocking to be honest but this appears to be the path we’re following now. It’s the reason so many of my good friends have stopped playing and why I find players getting so angry and frustrated in game and on forums. It feels that there is no depth to this game which in the early years can be forgiven but 10 years on..not so much. I feel the AL community deserved so much more.
    We do deserve more but... people are happy with getting the bare minimum as it shows :/. Maybe if people stopped blowing their money on plat and realized that they are the ones funding the game then devs would take it a little more serious. Right now, there really isn't any repercussions for them so they do as they please because they know plat buyers will buy plat regardless of what nerf, or buff comes.

    Oh well.. Hope Lovecraft is worth running because Lunar New Year was the worst let down after reading the letter to community I expected more love and thought to be put into events and the first event of the year isn't capturing that very well...

    Ign Kinnq

  21. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    You've done a good job of representing your perspective. I am not persuaded yet - so encourage your guild mates to contact me and share their opinions or speak their minds here on the forums.

    So far it's a small minority of players that want to strip gold from the Zodias minions and worsen the overall Zodias gold nerf. In general players don't seem to mind switching sets and strongly prefer having the choice versus having the choice taken away from them. If they're gonna PM me, please have your guild mates tell me why removing the choice to loot gold from minions is bad for the game overall; not just inconvenient for them personally.

    Best wishes to you too!
    I think the majority of the players want to strip the gold from zodias minions and have back what it used to be. If you want to divert some players to other maps I have a suggestion. That thing that I have encircled have it drop like 3k-7k that way it would encourage players with good gears to run those maps. Some extra compensation for running those maps. And also in elite sunken after we kill those 3 mini bosses add a gate for the last boss and it will only open when all the players are in the gate similar to the jarl event. That way those players that doesn’t have high MS or haste set wont get left out.

    This is my opinion.

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  22. #179
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    Do you know that there is nothing good in any map of Arlor? the only good thing was sunken,
    all the maps have died because of you who make bad moves,

    Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 8 mediante Tapatalk

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  24. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrumos View Post
    I think the majority of the players want to strip the gold from zodias minions and have back what it used to be. If you want to divert some players to other maps I have a suggestion. That thing that I have encircled have it drop like 3k-7k that way it would encourage players with good gears to run those maps. Some extra compensation for running those maps. And also in elite sunken after we kill those 3 mini bosses add a gate for the last boss and it will only open when all the players are in the gate similar to the jarl event. That way those players that doesn’t have high MS or haste set wont get left out.

    This is my opinion.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    +1 there are some player are greedy killing solo the big boss without the others

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