Can y’all recycle unused/ banned ign’s?
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Can y’all recycle unused/ banned ign’s?
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I would like it! But what, if a old player returns and he sees his ign got changed or whatever?
Well then just recycle old banned ign’s
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+1 besides im sure we have many accounts on here owning absurd amount of caracters holding igns who could be enjoyed by the rest of the community.
+1 to recycle banned igns. Dont know how hard this would be to do though
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Arrrrg, research this topic here and you will find many triggered responses. Minus a million. Creating a name isn’t difficult. If you need ideas, ask me and I’ll help you come up with something. Banned names carry bad reputations. Why would you want that?
I’m rubber and you’re glue, what bounces off me, sticks on you..
Stop assuming my posts are emotional. I don’t care that much.
-10000 in this well its same process someone holding many igns? Then if they release the banned or unuse ign same process they will hoard it again but in another player and sts have rules in selling igns tho to many problems and reports will come too.
Only possible thing should be about bringin old names, if the player didnt spend any money on the game and also didnt login to game for like, 5years?, maybe it will be an option to releasing them in this case. But bringing the banned names or taking extra names from people who hoard is a bad and non possible idea.
So i say, -1 for the idea.
If this ever happens, people will hoard a bunch of "cool" igns and quite possibly sell the ign in black market for the ez pz gold. yep. -100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000 bazillion googlion something something
See this thread and this thread.
Names on banned accounts are gone forever.
Community Suggestions List shows status. The work is actually done (~12M names would be released), but we're trying to figure out how to release the names where they won't be immediately exploited/snatched by new/dummy accounts.
release some bound IGN thru klaas… can be recycled if deleted.
I’m rubber and you’re glue, what bounces off me, sticks on you..
Stop assuming my posts are emotional. I don’t care that much.
A lottery of some kind, definitely not lb. They said 12m names are possibly being made available.
Also needs to be a limit to how many one player can apply for.
Maybe it’s also time to restrict how many alts are on one account.
Restrict number of accounts per household/ip address as well.
I’m rubber and you’re glue, what bounces off me, sticks on you..
Stop assuming my posts are emotional. I don’t care that much.
Agreed on a limit, if gold bars introduced we have no use of alts for stashing gold and 10-15 should be enough each account. Maybe add a limitation on changing name and creating alts each day. Reducing people spending 24 hours snatching all names?
Preorder would also work allowing the highest payer get that name