what is the most powerful currency in the game?

is it plat or is it gold ?

im going to assume you said plat but i believe its gold. plat cant be traded thats unless you consider plat eggs.

plat cant be traded in the trade window or in auction. so its virtual useless outside of the store, locks, name change, event currencies and etc.

notice how plat has rules set in place to keep it balanced.

gold also has rules but its much more flexible. gold being so flexible means its the most powerful in my opinion.

and im not saying plat isn't powerful it is. its how we get gear

so how do you fix currency ?

ive said this before with just everything in the game this includes gold too . gold needs to be broken down into multiple currencies to separate the power it has.

Each currency will have its own vendor. this actually exist in the game already. orc tags, dragkin tooths, and etc.

a whole new system has to be designed around this concept. " Gold" shouldn't be the primary currency. gold doesn't even take up inventory slots. if your goal is to be the most wealthy you should have to feel the weight of it too.

the reason why this is good is because if everyone target farmed a currency in a map that means the value of it would decrease. whats cool about this concept is that other map currencies would rise in value.

what would all the currencies be used for?

crafting materials for items. the craftable items would be tradable for items. a new system should be made for builds and crafting modifications. in theory the currency would fuel this. but this is one of those things its easier said then done.

every 3 to 6 months the devs will change the meta and this will create a never ending cycle of new cool and unique builds that will always change.

you guys wanted a gold sink? well what about a ecosystem?

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