Quote Originally Posted by Staaarlord View Post
Dont think its about dodge, it simply seems to have smaller area of effect for splitshot and targets 4 targets while bounty targets 5 (if im not wrong), it might seem negligible but its very noticable when playing.
Targeting - we r talking about when u r facing the boss but bow still fires backwards (idk is it cuz it prefers to target a group?), u could be standing still and facing the boss and it still happens so it doesnt seem to be about ping.
Damage - i wouldnt mind if damage is slightly lowered (like 10-20%) in exchange for 12s cooldown because rogues who run rahab prefer to use daggers because in normal party these days u alrdy have plenty of damage and lower cooldown of the daggers fits better for the 4 stages that rahab has, similar with other bosses even without "stages" there is plenty of damage in full party.

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-1 no to nerf bow and gun damage maybe buffs cd not like swords cd, maybe sorten to 14sec, 12 sec is too much.