I would like to see pvp rewards in this new game. Titles are pretty worthless, just a few typed words, I could care less about titles. I would like to see gear, vanities, pets, etc.. that can only be earned through hard-core pvp'ing. Perhaps have a point system where you can spend your points on certain things such as potions, armour, weapons, jewelry, talismans, pets, whatever. Even if there was a PVP tab in the Arcane Legends cash shop where you had to spend a certain amount PVP points to be able to purchase something with RL money then at least PVP would have its incentives. This would go a long way towards keeping players from getting bored in-between updates and level caps. Having a healthy PVP environment is pretty much essential to fantasy MMO's and having one on a Free to play game such as this may deter folks from jumping to the next Free to play app to quickly.