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Thread: Farming PvE Kills?

  1. #1
    Junior Member seasidesolitude's Avatar
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    Default Farming PvE Kills?

    Is there any other dungeon besides Mad Mage’s Maze map 4 / The new Dragkin Campaign that you can farm PvE kills in? And also besides limited event maps? Why do kills still qualify in the map 4 of Myx Maze but not in Ebonthrax? What qualifies as a PvE kill is confusing sometimes and it would be cool to solo farm some PvE kills here and there outside of these things if possible, as a level 115. Gives me a break and something else in the game to do.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    That is very observant of you, and a very good question.

    I have stopped kill farming after they added the amazing update of gold loot drops not splitting in a party , and was happily grinding gold in groups in the Mad Mages Maze Campaign.

    Generally speaking you can get kills dependent on your level, you can get kills from mobs in your highest current campaign and only one campaign below it.

    However, this new campaign is different. For some reason we can't get kills in Isle of Night anymore on a level 115, and we are still awarded kills in two campaigns lower in Map 4 of the Mad Mages Maze.

    You will have to keep testing the maps, and think about which map, is easy to kill and awards you kills as a level 115. But yes you are in the right map of Map 4 of the Mad Mages Maze to farm kills on a level 115 character.

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    Forum Adept Vivapinata's Avatar
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    why you trying to pass my kdr on Lb with easy kills for lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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