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  1. #1
    Junior Member seasidesolitude's Avatar
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    Default This needs to be said. @Cinco

    Hey guys. I just wanted to raise awareness of an important issue, if it hasn’t already been talked about. Some people are paying REAL MONEY for Love Nest Keys for Platinum for the event, only to go into a multi-game (because you know, farming with others is more fun) and enter the dungeon with basically only the boss remaining in the map, and most chests already been opened by the player(s) who started earlier. This is robbing people, including myself, of their Love Nest Keys. It’s frustrating. Could we make it like how the Winter Gauntlet events are? It should be that if you go into a multi-game, you enter in waiting for the leader to press “start”, whenever they have the amount of players that they want. And once they hit “start”, anyone that comes into the Multi-game portal after that will be teleported into a new lobby/game, waiting to start. This would eliminate people from basically having wasted their Love Nest Key. Please consider? I will only farm Solo now because I am tired of joining games that already have most of the map completed without me, as it is a waste of a Love Nest Key.

  2. #2
    Junior Member seasidesolitude's Avatar
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    Update for emphasis - SO MANY Love Nest Keys wasted, coming into these almost empty maps. Also I was just in a group and someone used a Coffin Key; the coffin opened up but literally the boss never spawned at all out of the coffin. That person was robbed of a Coffin Key, must have been some glitch or something. Please do something about this it’s so disheartening

  3. #3
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    I totally agree with you.

    We had the same issue last years Valentine's Day event.

    Unfortunately some players do not think of others and rush to the boss and clear the Map before the entire party is full of 5 members.

    If you happen to join later , especially if using Platinum to buy the Love Nest Key , it really is a waste of your key and 2 Platinum.

    We asked Cinco for an option to host our own multi runs. But it would require a rework of the event itself.

    One of my best friends in game suggested guild runs, which Cinco kindly added. Which is much better because guildmates do actually wait for you at the start if the map and do not clear the mobs at all , let alone the chests in the 3 rooms and the Prince Moroso boss, and Count Coronovirus.

    Guild runs are the best.

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    Junior Member seasidesolitude's Avatar
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    Bro, Cinco you are literally robbing people of their money with this event in multi games. Joining to a 1-enemy-remaining map and then people kill boss before someone makes it is actually ridiculous. It’s issues/non-fixed things like these that are going to drive even more people away from the game. Not trying to sound harsh, but seriously come on. And people have been extremely toxic in groups deriving from this issue. It’s not cool anymore

  6. #5
    Senior Member Xvanitykingx's Avatar
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    Everyone is always free to "GO SOLO" or "GO GUILD ONLY" to avoid this(though, you are correct; it's more fun to run together). Perhaps the implementation of being able to create a "team" could possibly solve this for future events.

    Also, I have experienced loss of Coffin Key due to that "glitch/bug" as well. The boss didn't appear and my key was wasted.

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    Unfortunately some players do Speed Test not think of others and rush to the boss and clear the Map before the entire party is full of 5 members.

  8.   This is the last Dev post in this thread.   #7
    Spacetime Studios Dev Futumsh's Avatar
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    This was addressed during that event. Closing.

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