Quote Originally Posted by WhoIsThis View Post
So he gained xp ... by not killing anything. Apparently that's levelling and doing it yourself.

There are several things. First we don't know whether or not your teammates would have preferred a player that actually attacked and got kills versus a player that just passively sits there and collected xp. Second, if you're going to preserve that 0 death, you're going have to be the kind that's going to bail to preserve your 0 death ratio if you have the slightest indication that things are going to go wrong. If you truly disclosed the implications of what you are saying, I wonder how the people that you run with would have felt.

You have no idea how painful it was for me to read that. How the mighty have fallen. From a game where people in early 2010 where everyone did the best to learn their class and pull their weight in dungeons as best they could to ... this. Celebrating the fact that you can be carried without protest as the "greatest" achievement of PL.

Let's think about what we are talking about. We have a player that can spam weakness, nightmare, and perhaps a few heals along the way. Against this, we can boot and get a player that debuffs, heals, and does competent dps. A good pure int mage can do all 3 with relative ease. What would you rather have in your party?
Personally, I think you take things way to serious. If you encounter a leecher in this game and you have a problem with it, there are plenty of options to avoid this... Boot, join another room or make a PW protected game. Simple right?

I don't think it's up to you or anyone else to decide on how someone enjoys playing the game. And, unless you tried making a 0/0 k/d yourself, you have no clue how hard it really is.

Does that mean I support leeching? On the contrary, I simply boot leechers. But if someone makes it to 71 without any kills or deaths, I know that this person had to either run with friends or people too gullible to even realize there was a leecher in their group.

Either way, the player seems to be proud of his achievement and had fun doing it. Not everyone enjoys playing the game in the same way, and I simply respect that. Why? Because it's just a game that's supposed to be fun and I won't try and enforce anyone to play the game as I think it should be played.