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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaze View Post
    I disagree that awakes killed pvp. If pvp died because of a pay to win system, pve and the game as a whole would have died too. The game is free to play, so of course it is going to be pay to win. Awakes only ruined low level pvp because no scaling system was introduced from the start. Low level gear should never have been allowed to roll armor and primary stat awakes as high as the awakes you can get at endgame. It resulted in low level characters being nearly unkillable.
    If a pvp zone is properly balanced, awakes allow you to craft your class into what you want it to be. A good example of this is the 61-63 zone. At these levels, every class is viable and able to either survive longer OR get quick kills depending on their focus on either armor or primary % stat awakes. This would also be the case at endgame if it werent for all the luck based, ridiculously overpowered, pve-designed procs; which i believe are the actual reason for pvp's decline over the past few expansions.
    These procs killed the competitive nature of pvp and should be removed from pvp on all gear post-level 66. The stat increase and additional awake slot(s) on arcane items are enough of an incentive for people to use them in pvp. Without these over-the-top, luck to win, heavily game determining procs, people will feel as if their playstyle, experience, and team synchronization actually matter. Just like they do in the balanced twink levels, and just like they did prior to the lvl 71 expansion.
    A secondary problem is the pet power creep. Pet passives and arcane abilities are becoming so strong they are beginning to make even the few remaining balanced pvp zones feel as awful as endgame pvp. Instead of proc-to-win it is becoming have-aa or lose. The room for outplay potential in a situation where you do not have your aa ready and the other person does, is quickly diminishing with new pets being released over time. BUT AT LEAST pressing your pet's aa requires timing unlike the endgame procs. I do not want the focus of this message to be on pets. This is a battle for another day.
    It seems like the forums are a cesspool of toxicity and bad ideas that I am not surprised STS has trouble sorting through. I hope this makes it through. Maybe it's already years too late. Maybe too many pvp lovers have already been driven away from the game for it to recover. But it's worth a shot.
    I would certainly move to endgame pvp and actively participate if this proc removal change was implemented. But until then, I will remain irregularly active at my balanced twink zone where it's the closest it can get to satisfying, meaningful pvp.

    PLS READ! (but TLDR: Procs killed pvp, not awakes. Procs should be removed from pvp post-level 66.)
    If procs killed pvp, why 61-63 zone is also dead where procs play not much of a role?

    In my opinion, what killed pvp is that there is no meaning to play it. Players have no purpose while playing pvp so eventually more pvp players left playing it. I have been talking some pve players and trying to understand their mindset why they play pve. They play it because they want to be at the top so they compete to be there. What pvp needs is a competition, a purpose and official awareness to pursue this.

    Honor mode is a good example what happens when there is a competition. When the end of a season is close, it becomes active because players want to be at the top. So, what we need is a competition that would last the whole season not only for a short period of time.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by devilMors View Post
    If procs killed pvp, why 61-63 zone is also dead where procs play not much of a role?

    In my opinion, what killed pvp is that there is no meaning to play it. Players have no purpose while playing pvp so eventually more pvp players left playing it. I have been talking some pve players and trying to understand their mindset why they play pve. They play it because they want to be at the top so they compete to be there. What pvp needs is a competition, a purpose and official awareness to pursue this.

    Honor mode is a good example what happens when there is a competition. When the end of a season is close, it becomes active because players want to be at the top. So, what we need is a competition that would last the whole season not only for a short period of time.
    62 has enough competition and as a Newcomer you'll have a hard time against all the Og 62 players. 62 isnt active atm, because some people are just too busy with their irl or lost the interest at this game. Other people say 62 is too expensive. Honor is also not active atm even tho there is always competition

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    Quote Originally Posted by devilMors View Post
    If procs killed pvp, why 61-63 zone is also dead where procs play not much of a role?
    61-63 is inactive because it's not endgame with 99% of the playerbase... The fact that there are any competitive pvp players at 61-63 AT ALL is proof of how awful endgame pvp is. Even more competitive players are spread amongst other levels. People would have no desire to find other pvp zones if it wasn't awful.

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    I have no secret agenda. I am more than willing to toss out the gear i have spent years collecting and perfecting at a different level for meaningful pvp at endgame.
    It feels like we have to fight a war to get such an easy to see downfall corrected. It's saddening and disappointing. Endgame pvp does not feel good. Endgame pvp is not meaningful with these procs in place. The current system has been tried and tested. The result has been unfulfilling pvp and ever-declining activity since 71. Give endgame pvp its meaning back. Let playstyle and team synchronization return as the most determining factors over proc uptime and luck.
    If you guys and gals are afraid to make this change in fear of upsetting the small few people left playing endgame pvp, let me know. I can stop wasting my energy on a lost cause.
    Last edited by Thaze; 03-03-2023 at 05:28 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by devilMors View Post
    If procs killed pvp, why 61-63 zone is also dead where procs play not much of a role?

    In my opinion, what killed pvp is that there is no meaning to play it. Players have no purpose while playing pvp so eventually more pvp players left playing it. I have been talking some pve players and trying to understand their mindset why they play pve. They play it because they want to be at the top so they compete to be there. What pvp needs is a competition, a purpose and official awareness to pursue this.

    Honor mode is a good example what happens when there is a competition. When the end of a season is close, it becomes active because players want to be at the top. So, what we need is a competition that would last the whole season not only for a short period of time.
    61-63 is dead because there are tons of players who got banned with OP gear. Also pets like (Heroic) Poksau and Morpheus kinda ruined pvp with their passive ability.

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    Again, with respect, the people making these complicated overhaul suggestions are not the people who play or are going to be playing pvp. They want pvp to be something completely different than it is. They are better off partaking in a game that already suits what they are looking for. Minor changes are what we need. There is a playerbase that loves pvp for what it has been for the last decade. They just need a unified zone that actually feels good to play in and rewards playstyle and team synchronization over proc uptime and luck. Endgame pvp with procs disabled IS that zone. The lower levels are unsustainable. It is the only zone that can possibly be given a chance to regrow and drive revenue from pvp in the future.
    Last edited by Thaze; 03-03-2023 at 04:31 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaze View Post
    Again, with respect, the people making these extremely complicated overhaul suggestions are not the people who play or are going to be playing pvp. They want pvp to be something completely different than it is. They are better off partaking in a game that already suits what they are looking for. Minor changes are what we need. There is a playerbase that loves pvp for what it has been for the last decade. They just need a unified zone that actually feels good to play in and rewards playstyle and team sync over luck. Endgame pvp with procs disabled IS that zone. The lower levels are unsustainable. It is the only zone that can possibly be given a chance to regrow and drive revenue from pvp in the future.
    Just disable the procs at endgame pvp and the problem is solved
    As simple as that.

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    As I’ve said before, procs are indeed out of control at this point. You don’t even need to awaken gear for pvp at end game because the procs are crazy strong and just destroy everything (which makes awakes useless) . It’s not even luck based when you’re guaranteed to proc, best thing to do is take procs out of pvp. If you’re a pve player you shouldn’t complain here cuz this has nothing to do with you

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    Quote Originally Posted by Igotu12 View Post
    As I’ve said before, procs are indeed out of control at this point. You don’t even need to awaken gear for pvp at end game because the procs are crazy strong and just destroy everything (which makes awakes useless) . It’s not even luck based when you’re guaranteed to proc, best thing to do is take procs out of pvp. If you’re a pve player you shouldn’t complain here cuz this has nothing to do with you
    That's so true. Seeing rooms be over within 2 minutes just because when someone respawns, all their procs are up and can literally 1v2 or 1v3 just by walking next to them. Basically eliminating the skill gap that should exist, which makes pvp boring and allows the same pattern every time. Spawn, proc, kill, die, repeat

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    Personally I don't think it's just procs. My issue is, when I fight someone that is mage or rogue they shouldn't nuke me through jug with 2/3 the main stats I have. If I have 2500 str a 2k dex rogue shouldn't kill me through jug. Yesterday my buddy was nuked through jug and horn somehow. I assume it was lag but nuked when i can see a bubble? Granted it was one of the strongest mages but through horn now? All the issues are easy to see if you just go fight in tdm. Players with similar gear and stats should be competitive despite the class. I can fight most players but I need a 500 point advantage in main stats and still get nuked. How can I compete against the best when I need to be 25% stronger just to survive? I was going to just keep upgrading but at some point it's pointless. I'll never survive against the top mages and rogues no matter what my stats are since I have to be exponentially stronger then them. Plus I hardly get a chance to fight, tdm is empty 90% of the time. Why spend the money to stand around in tdm.

    In my opinion pvp is fixable if they want to fix it. They don't.

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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    Personally I don't think it's just procs. My issue is, when I fight someone that is mage or rogue they shouldn't nuke me through jug with 2/3 the main stats I have. If I have 2500 str a 2k dex rogue shouldn't kill me through jug. Yesterday my buddy was nuked through jug and horn somehow. I assume it was lag but nuked when i can see a bubble? Granted it was one of the strongest mages but through horn now? All the issues are easy to see if you just go fight in tdm. Players with similar gear and stats should be competitive despite the class. I can fight most players but I need a 500 point advantage in main stats and still get nuked. How can I compete against the best when I need to be 25% stronger just to survive? I was going to just keep upgrading but at some point it's pointless. I'll never survive against the top mages and rogues no matter what my stats are since I have to be exponentially stronger then them. Plus I hardly get a chance to fight, tdm is empty 90% of the time. Why spend the money to stand around in tdm.

    In my opinion pvp is fixable if they want to fix it. They don't.
    That is because of the Perma 70% armor reduction you go through with poksau and aim shot, nothing you can rly do since they implemented pets like these in the game, they can't undo it now

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    Yeah the debuff pets are out of hand. Most pve bosses and mobs are immune so they really exist just to make life difficult in pvp. I mean vs a war using poku the armor debuff stacks with aegis and I'm under 3k armor.....even with 30k plus hp the damage is insane.

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    They can always nerf them, 50% is just too much + debuff stacks with morpheus (also broken).

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    I don't see the point of massive debuff passives when close to everything in pve is immune. Pet pasives in general in pvp should be looked at. 4 push pets are one of the most annoying things in game. No passives should work all the time with out a cd. Anyway lots of things they could do.

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    And then there’s heroic anky.. which completely makes armor useless for anyone and can break through jugg easily (maxed or not) tbh it seems like they’re adding all of these pets to ruin pvp and make people focus on pve. STS if pvp dies so does half of al, some people don’t like killing mobs all day just to get gold and buy vanities to look cool.

  22. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by devilMors View Post
    If procs killed pvp, why 61-63 zone is also dead where procs play not much of a role?

    In my opinion, what killed pvp is that there is no meaning to play it. Players have no purpose while playing pvp so eventually more pvp players left playing it. I have been talking some pve players and trying to understand their mindset why they play pve. They play it because they want to be at the top so they compete to be there. What pvp needs is a competition, a purpose and official awareness to pursue this.

    Honor mode is a good example what happens when there is a competition. When the end of a season is close, it becomes active because players want to be at the top. So, what we need is a competition that would last the whole season not only for a short period of time.
    Hello Sin!
    Agreed about having a competition that would last the whole season and not for a short period time. This would make things interesting and entertaining.

    PvP always gave the community entertainment every expansion cap. Players like myself have also switched over to PvE like Hardcore Mode and the Normal Mode since we love seeing our names on the LB there and the rewards are always great!
    The best part is, we can remain on LB as long as we keep up with the APS given(meaning we can be offline for a whole season and return and still see our name up on the lb) and this is the reason why most of me and my friends don't really PvP anymore but we do casually check in once in a while.

    I sometimes pop in TDM and PVP and see how it's like but since there's no purpose anymore, no more of the old enemies to fight against anymore, so I just go in there and I get my wins and then get back to PvE'ing

    I just hope there would be a competition with a purpose that would attract more players to try out the PvP side of the game more often

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    Anky is definitely too much. I feel like the other pets can be played around. But procs are the main offender for how unattractive pvp is currently. When you combine the ridiculous procs from gear with the buffs/debuffs from pets, it gets even more out of hand.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaze View Post
    Anky is definitely too much. I feel like the other pets can be played around. But procs are the main offender for how unattractive pvp is currently. When you combine the ridiculous procs from gear with the buffs/debuffs from pets, it gets even more out of hand.
    You bring up a good point about pet power creep. Pet aa and procs have different effects in PvP and PvE, so I think its reasonable to have some really extreme pet passives with a lower effect in PvP, especially when you consider that they trigger more often than AAs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaze View Post
    I disagree that awakes killed pvp. If pvp died because of a pay to win system, pve and the game as a whole would have died too. The game is free to play, so of course it is going to be pay to win. Awakes only ruined low level pvp because no scaling system was introduced from the start. Low level gear should never have been allowed to roll armor and primary stat awakes as high as the awakes you can get at endgame. It resulted in low level characters being nearly unkillable.
    If a pvp zone is properly balanced, awakes allow you to craft your class into what you want it to be. A good example of this is the 61-63 zone. At these levels, every class is viable and able to either survive longer OR get quick kills depending on their focus on either armor or primary % stat awakes. This would also be the case at endgame if it werent for all the luck based, ridiculously overpowered, pve-designed procs; which i believe are the actual reason for pvp's decline over the past few expansions.
    These procs killed the competitive nature of pvp and should be removed from pvp on all gear post-level 66. The stat increase and additional awake slot(s) on arcane items are enough of an incentive for people to use them in pvp. Without these over-the-top, luck to win, heavily game determining procs, people will feel as if their playstyle, experience, and team synchronization actually matter. Just like they do in the balanced twink levels, and just like they did prior to the lvl 71 expansion.
    A secondary problem is the pet power creep. Pet passives and arcane abilities are becoming so strong they are beginning to make even the few remaining balanced pvp zones feel as awful as endgame pvp. Instead of proc-to-win it is becoming have-aa or lose. The room for outplay potential in a situation where you do not have your aa ready and the other person does, is quickly diminishing with new pets being released over time. BUT AT LEAST pressing your pet's aa requires timing unlike the endgame procs. I do not want the focus of this message to be on pets. This is a battle for another day.
    It seems like the forums are a cesspool of toxicity and bad ideas that I am not surprised STS has trouble sorting through. I hope this makes it through. Maybe it's already years too late. Maybe too many pvp lovers have already been driven away from the game for it to recover. But it's worth a shot.
    I would certainly move to endgame pvp and actively participate if this proc removal change was implemented. But until then, I will remain irregularly active at my balanced twink zone where it's the closest it can get to satisfying, meaningful pvp.

    PLS READ! (but TLDR: Procs killed pvp, not awakes. Procs should be removed from pvp post-level 66.)
    I agree with everything you said. A proper scaling system would make playing pvp at lower levels more tolerable and removing procs would make end-game pvp more enjoyable, even though it should have been done ages ago. I’m not that active atm, but I’d definitely give pvp another try if sts decides to remove procs

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    So Imma tell my experience about recent PvP, starting of 66 zone that had balance, pets were also balanced, overall fun zone to play, moving on to 71-76 zones which were THE BEST and THE MOST balanced zones with THE MOST balanced procs, you could get a lot of fun playing them. Then 81 came out, big mess, no knowledge about your game and how it will affect PvP. Adding one shotting weapons that are FULLY PROC BASED to kill at PvP? Obviously the "We have to pay our bills" thing, i get it, but its an EXCUSE that "We wont work on PvP, because it dont bring enough revenue", think about what was the main thing in the game at past "MOBILE PVP GAME", Arcane Legends was known from PVP. If I were a developer what would I do to make it fun again and bring more people to PvP=it would bring revenue as well which is obvious(awakening system/spending tons on awakens to get what u want)
    1. Start making changes at PvP(Less procs/More balanced procs based at 71-76 zone/Pet effectivity and their passive at PvP)

    2. Pets(Please god, when I seen crypta pet reduces 70% dmg thats just pointless/Fix those kind of pets/Make them weaker at PvP/Right now pets are stronger than your character/PvP started to be pet based(Pet has to be your help, not game changer, they get too overpowered in short period of time)

    Trust me, if you fix these things, endgame PvP will be a thing, it will also give your company revenue.
    Right now only zone I get least fun is 61PvP but it starting to be really annoying due to pets and hillarious debuffs.

    [mention]Cinco [/mention] [mention]Remiem [/mention] [mention]Futumsh [/mention] Hope you will take a look at this. Thanks in advance~ Delta

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