Quote Originally Posted by Hexame View Post
The thing you mentioned about "But they don't have to suffer to play with warriors". The friends that ask me don't have this problem with me, they aren't suffering while playing with me. They hop on VC and play with me and have an absolute blast and enjoy playing while on VC playing with me. There's a clear difference between playing alone and looking for people and trying to find a PT through randoms vs playing with your close friends that don't really give a crap if your slowing down the PT or not which isn't the case in 22sec-25sec runs that I'm running with as a Warrior with them. There's no real sugar coating at all. It's based on actual facts that I can get references to comment on this thread regarding the friends that party me.

Those players that say "tanks must be tank and do less dmg and complain we are "Tanky" are just new players that haven't played for the amount of time. I've been playing this game for years. There's players don't go on forums and complain and hold grudges against other classes then there's players that have friends that don't spend time on forums complaining and instead actually play with their friends regardless if they are a warrior or not and even snag in banners and have fun. It's the vibes and energy that they enjoy from me and the voice chat.

Note: I don't even use a Kraken Sword for the Elite Rahab. I use a Kraken Aegis and we still hit 22-25second runs.

It's not about getting invited more. It's about playing with your close friends that don't give a **** if your slowing them down or not. That's what I mean by Loyalty (Good Friends) VS Needs&Wants(People that rather have faster runs).

The best advice I can give you is to ignore what players are crying on forums regarding class balance because a majority of them just spend more time complaining rather then actually playing and siding with the other classes. There's people that completed the 1B AP even before the Rahab Gold Buff even began and you never see them complaining about classes imbalance, they adapted with the content and played even during the era of pros and cons within the three classes given and stuck with it in the past. Play with your close friends that don't care about if your slowing them down. If they care about that then you should probably find other friends to play with.

Your good friends in your friend list shouldn't care if your slowing down the PT. As long as your yourself and your playing with them with good vibes then you should be fine and stick with them because that's what friends do and love. I don't have this problem that you guys are facing because my friends don't "Suffer" when they invite me to the PT. They rather play with me and I hope you guys and the other warriors can find good friends that don't really give a crap about if your slowing down the PT because I'm not at all facing this problem

Your welcomed to join my Discord Server and hop on VC with the friends I play with if you ever need a party or such and your always welcomed to join the VC (https://discord.gg/VNYgQKwMYT)

We're always on VC depending if we aren't busy.. so don't expect too much cause some of us have a real life as well but your always welcomed to join and play along with the friends in my server

Best Wishes, Hope This Advice Works
Я очень рад за вас, что у вас есть такие друзья)
Жадность и алчность на rahabe , портит все , у людей в голове тока золото и время) спс за лучик света в это бесконечной темноте!)