conclusion, nerfed the normal and indirectly buffed the elite causing a demand and even greater price increase of kraken armor and gun/bow... now, to improve, increase the difficulty of obtaining kraken items by 100% in lockeds ... unfortunately the evil was not nipped in the bud , sad.
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Pretty much, altough elite rahab is possible with a decent party even without kraken pieces, if everybody know what theyre doing. By decent i mean, either 4/4 zaarus with 2.2k+ stats or 1.8-1.9k arcane 76/71 armor and myth weapon+ lixs.
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I've been asking for a party for a while and nothing, and I have a kraken gun. Knowing that people only accept it if it's full kraken and that's too much for the overwhelming majority who, with a lot of effort, reach a "piece" and it doesn't help enough... it's frustrating. and this update contributed even more to that feeling.
Enviado de meu moto g(8) usando o Tapatalk
+1 at this. Hex completed the APs required for overall lb with mythic gears. He isn't rushing to get gears from crate openings, no matter how much he does them. He likes to spend / open cause he can. If he loots gears, then that's a win.
Encryptions even did overall lb too, without the need of Arcane items as a Warrior. When he swapped to rogue, cause of the arcane-gear buffs, he didn't even see the need for kraken armor still. Enc isn't the gold farmer type to invest and mindlessly farm to get by. But other people such as myself, who hasnt spent on game in quite a while, whether for fun or to make a pretty penny, have to follow the trends. However we make our gold is up to us.
Thanks for shedding some light on this :-)
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Leader of <Married> Guild (Private) Heart Of Darkness Ring Est. Oct. 31 2019
As many of you know, there have been earthquake problems in my country (Turkey) for the last 1 month, and the names of the newly introduced "Earthquake" Vanity weapons disappointed us Turkish players.
I request that the names of Earthquake Vanity weapons be changed.
Thanks. @asommers @Cinco
SM-A315F cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
why not nerf the elite? It's no longer easy to farm and we don't have time, especially for those who are already adults, now it's even more complicated... nerfem elitem not for those who are still struggling to buy their first kraken item
The moment he thought I was either struggling made my day when that user named Switchback said that LOL
Done the the campaign last season and we'r chilling and having fun LOL
I'm grateful they granted the badges right before the update. Super glad STS was considerate about this. I was about to open more for the badge but now I can relax till Week 2 hits or the next event![]()
In my humble opinion, they are solving the inflation problem, in the worst way, nerf this, nerf that.
Discouraging people from playing the game.
Instead, they should be looking for ways for people to spend their gold, things like sir spendsalot, portal tickets, etc.
I also don't think that charging for things that were previously free is the best decision, as in the case of energy and things like that.
Nobody likes these kinds of changes, they are quite unpopular, and disappointing.
The nerfs hinder the ways to farm gold, but the gold still stacks just the same.
Again in my humble opinion, the best way would be to create new content for people to spend their gold.
It would be much more acceptable. That is the key to solving inflation.
Nerf again n again,, lol
Please imagine!! For example if I want to buy 2 items, How i can buy kraken armor 200m, 130m kraken staff if u nerf drop gold bruuhhh ,,
Please explain??????
Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk
Idk what's happening to ya'll! When the rahab is giving a huge amount of gold before, ya'll asking for nerfs cuz all the geared players are getting so much gold. Now that they nerf the rahab, ya'll are asking why they nerf the rahab so hard lol
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Can we get some insight on why normal portal
bosses saw a bigger nerf than elite portal bosses? My intuition told me normal would receive a smaller nerf as most newer and slower players who really need gold run normal, while the already maxed out rich pros run elite. Im totally cool with the huge 50%+ nerf normal bosses got, but why something like only a 30-40% elite nerf?
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Well elite maps are much much harder for normal players as kraken gears cost of gold & effort to get , their effort should pay off in some manner , a bigger nerf would have bought a lot of rage in the players . The current nerf is a also quite humongous, but people might adjust .
I just couldnt disagree more. People who run elite are completing maps faster with pro parties and are already rich+ fully geared. The gap between rich and poor only spreads more with this update. Should have been an equal % nerf to both normal and elite imo, so both rich and poor feel the same drop in gold. This nerf is bringing a lot of nerf to normal runners. These people arent the type to come cry on forums though, thats the people who are running elite. But the elite runners got away with the long end of the stick, so no complaining. I’m just hear to try to stand up for the average runners who run random normal maps, they are only falling further behind with this, even if prices drop from deflation.
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If Elite is nerfed a ton...
Then normal is now more profitable than Elite.
I solo Normal raha in 15 seconds give or take EASILY (previously) for 80-90k gold a run (900+% GL).
I know this will probably get lost in the comments but sometimes when I’m home alone I like to go out in my garden and cover myself with dirt and pretend I’m a carrot.