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Thread: Players cheating in Honor PvP

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    Default Players cheating in Honor PvP

    @cinco Is it fair to be able to have multiple toons on one acc in top 10 LB? The same honor players every season boost each other and throw games (we’re not able to record them because they don’t make it obvious) and there’s really only 5-6 top 10 players when it should be 10 people. How is it fair for one person to hold 3 spots and block other people from having a chance? Honor pvp community isn’t big enough to stop this because certain players have to Queue up in order to advance. (if they don’t we decay in points while they have other toons that aren’t decaying). Why is it one player can hold multiple spots on LB when it should be meant for a seperate player? This is causing honor pvp to die because everyone who wants a banner can’t have one because the same players every season block LB spots and throw games.

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    i agree. it’s the same top 10 people every season, boosting each other or throwing other people’s games no wonder its dead and new players cant be bothered playing.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Igotu12 View Post
    @cinco Is it fair to be able to have multiple toons on one acc in top 10 LB? The same honor players every season boost each other and throw games (we’re not able to record them because they don’t make it obvious) and there’s really only 5-6 top 10 players when it should be 10 people. How is it fair for one person to hold 3 spots and block other people from having a chance? Honor pvp community isn’t big enough to stop this because certain players have to Queue up in order to advance. (if they don’t we decay in points while they have other toons that aren’t decaying). Why is it one player can hold multiple spots on LB when it should be meant for a seperate player? This is causing honor pvp to die because everyone who wants a banner can’t have one because the same players every season block LB spots and throw games.
    They arent blocking anything, they just enjoy it, to Play on all 3 classes and they're good at it. Wap talked about it or mentioned it in forum, that each Account should only Receive one Banner, even if you got several toons in the top 10 and wap himself often managed to get 2 classes into top 10. Even though mentioned it a while ago, nothing changed in that time

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    Quote Originally Posted by Igotu12 View Post
    @cinco Is it fair to be able to have multiple toons on one acc in top 10 LB? The same honor players every season boost each other and throw games (we’re not able to record them because they don’t make it obvious) and there’s really only 5-6 top 10 players when it should be 10 people. How is it fair for one person to hold 3 spots and block other people from having a chance? Honor pvp community isn’t big enough to stop this because certain players have to Queue up in order to advance. (if they don’t we decay in points while they have other toons that aren’t decaying). Why is it one player can hold multiple spots on LB when it should be meant for a seperate player? This is causing honor pvp to die because everyone who wants a banner can’t have one because the same players every season block LB spots and throw games.
    I’m sorry but it’s called LEADERboards for a reason, it is not called come and get your free banner Right now!!.
    I believe you haven’t checked the other lbs. planar, hydra, orrick and so on, they knocking each other from the lb because its competitive, they keep running and running to get a good timer to knock the 25th even though they got all the spots in that lb.
    Me wanting to get more than 1 honor banner that’s purely because I would like it to be less common and that’s it.

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    Your argument doesn’t make sense, by that logic one player could hold all 10 spots and call it LEADERboArd. The LB is meant for 10 separate players not 5 people blocking spots and stopping other people, TOP 10 players. You’re 1 player, not 2-3.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Igotu12 View Post
    Your argument doesn’t make sense, by that logic one player could hold all 10 spots and call it LEADERboArd. The LB is meant for 10 separate players not 5 people blocking spots and stopping other people, TOP 10 players. You’re 1 player, not 2-3.
    You're right but in that Case, Sts should Change every LB then, not just honor also timed runs

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    Quote Originally Posted by Igotu12 View Post
    Your argument doesn’t make sense, by that logic one player could hold all 10 spots and call it LEADERboArd. The LB is meant for 10 separate players not 5 people blocking spots and stopping other people, TOP 10 players. You’re 1 player, not 2-3.
    Let’s say Hypothetically If a 1 player is able to hold all 10 spots then that’s not his fault, that’s a lack of skill from your side and your end.
    My humble advise to you is instead of being here writing all this and that you maybe should try your best and get in the top 10 for the banner.

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    Again your response makes no sense, what does skill have to do with anything if matches are being thrown and rigged by the same players every season?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Igotu12 View Post
    Again your response makes no sense, what does skill have to do with anything if matches are being thrown and rigged by the same players every season?
    You were talking about a different point than this, you were saying that a single player should not get more than 1 banner.
    You just shifted the topics, but yeah there are throwers I agree, my matches been thrown many times due to hate and jealousy regardless of all that I’m still in top 10.

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    It impossible. I just went in and both people threw. Didn't even move, didnt pretend to fight. In my opinion honor is the single worst place to fight. How can the op compete when it's 1v3? 2 v3? Honor is the single worst map in the game to fight in. A joke really.

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    Another point proven^ rigged mode for greedy people who can’t play fair because they want every banner they can get.

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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    It impossible. I just went in and both people threw. Didn't even move, didnt pretend to fight. In my opinion honor is the single worst place to fight. How can the op compete when it's 1v3? 2 v3? Honor is the single worst map in the game to fight in. A joke really.
    All that has been said back in the past, nothing changed. It’s all the same.
    What can you do beside just keep playing and trying to get the banner? Unfortunately Nothing.

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    They can have it. I pvp for fun and could care less about the badge. Not much fun when your team doesn't even try. Ranked honor is the single most toxic place in the game.

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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    They can have it. I pvp for fun and could care less about the badge. Not much fun when your team doesn't even try. Ranked honor is the single most toxic place in the game.
    Absolutely agree

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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    They can have it. I pvp for fun and could care less about the badge. Not much fun when your team doesn't even try. Ranked honor is the single most toxic place in the game.
    it’s not really toxic. the experience itself is quite enjoyable. maybe you are just too uptight

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    Lol that's sarcasm right? I mean anyone that even stands in town after a match can see the constant barrage from toxic people. Imagine a new player going in and trying to learn constantly getting assaulted and told to leave? Not toxic?

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