today as i walked back home after lunch, I thought to myself. How good it would be for me to get the two vanities i want now. Dark maniac and gamer top. When i came home, logged onto DL forum, the first thing I saw was the thread "Free Vanities Contest". I clicked into it, read the first prize and went "what the", is my luck lucky or what? Then I remembered, I have to win this contest which I will be never be able to do
Then, my sister said that she wanted to make a story! (I gave her suggestions and combined the story with my ideas)
She wanted to see what the dark maniac would look like too :P

Actual Story: Mary had a little lamb, his fleece was dirty as dirt. She decided to sell it to his neighbor, King John Eil Bob De II. King John Eil Bob De II wasn't a very educated man, he could only count to ten. Mary thought he would be dumb enough to buy the ugly little lamb and not surprisingly, he did, but surprisingly at a very high price.

After selling the sheep to King John Eil Bob De II, Mary found out that he was sooooo uneducated that he could only count to 10. Mary was a nice little girl, and so she decided to teach him some basics for math. After three days of lesson, she found that it was nearly hopeless. On the fourth day, Mary pondered on why King John Eil Bob De II couldn't learn anything even adding 1+1. And so, the obvious reasons was to ask!

As King John Eil Bob De II revealed the truth, Mary found out that he wasn't dumb at all and why he bought her dirty little sheep. King John Eil Bob De II has severe insomnia (inability to sleep). Every night, he tries to go to sleep by counting little white sheep, until it came to the number 10. The 10th sheep was a dirty little sheep with fangs of vampires and eyes as red as a freshly cut wound. Every time King John Eil Bob De II met this frightening dirty little sheep he would scream and run around the house, occasionally bumping into walls which has caused some brain damage. One day, when King John Eil Bob De II saw Mary's dirty little sheep as it was eating grass, he thought of a really good plan. He was going to buy that sheep and clean it. He thought, maybe he won't see that horrible sheep as he counted to ten in his dreams! On the next day, as he was going to talk to Mary about buying the sheep, Mary surprised him by offering the sheep first. And so he bought the sheep.

After buying the sheep and cleaning it, King John Eil Bob De II still couldn't get rid of his nightmare! Mary, after understanding the situation, went home and brought out her secret remedy for curing nightmares (passed on over the generations by her great great great great grandmother). Dashing back to the mansion of King John Eil Bob De II, she tripped on a gnarled root and broke the glass of potion awwww! Here comes the real bumper, the potion had another effect. When you don't have nightmares, you will have them now!

Now even Mary starts to dream of the accursed dirty sheep. What a sad pair