So I've been learning and PvPing a lot the past couple months, and I've noticed commandos although tanky, still have no means to properly heal like the other 2 classes. We have the lowest damage output, so we aren't "overpowered", and we don't have any stuns. Just a slow skill. I think vigor needs to be revamped to meet the L61 higher HP cap, so that we can properly heal in a decent time. I run 2700-3000hp, and the most H/S I have been able to pull from max vigor and items with H/S is around 70/s for 5 seconds. That's only 1/8 or so of my overall health, and barely makes a budge in the longevity of things. Some might think giving us proper heals wouldn't be fair, but considering they are all distance PvPers, and can stand far enough away we can't damage them, I think it is only fair to give us similar healing methods both the operatives and engineers have.
