Hey, guys. I've been looking at my twinks recently, and realized that I want a level 50 (or 51) twink. Obviously, there are several ways to do this. I have 3 level 35's I no longer use, a level 26 I don't use, a level 20 and a level 15; I could level any one of these, or just make a new toon all together. Since I hardly buy plat anymore (I only play- at max -1 to 2 hours a day), I am leaning toward leveling one of my 35's. That being said.. I want an elf, but I don't want to level my Voodoo, then have all the Forgotten weapons get nerfed (only reason I don't play 35 anymore is because it's not fun to play PvP similar to endgame on a character I made to have a different experience on; I'll play my 55's if I want to nuke everyone, tyvm.. but I don't want to rant about that.. lol.)

Anyway. What I want to ask the forumers (because I am torn; I loved playing my voodoo..) is if you guys think it would be better to level my voodoo, then level my 26 to 35 if Forgottens get nerfed, or just level a different toon to level 50?
Opinions are appreciated.. Thanks.