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    Spacetime Studios Dev Futumsh's Avatar
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    Default The Dark Hollow Saga Returns!

    Event runs May 18th through June 1st.

    The Dark Hollow Saga
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    Double-Scenario Event

    The fragile settlement of Dark Hollow needs your help!
    Talk to Esmi, the founder of Dark Hollow settlement to get started:
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    You'll find her in the Dark Forest Towne.

    Token Vendor Items
    Esmi sells character-bound versions of the new event vanity items:
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    Name:  pl_dark_hollow_merchant.png
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    She also sells Keys to the Realm, a special Pet recipe, and "Hollows" currency packs.
    Esmi will give you some background on the Dark Hollow Settlers' event if you ask.

    Individual Tier Event
    The "Dark Hollow Saga" is an individual tier event with Bronze, Silver and Gold Tier Rewards!
    This is not a competitive Leaderboard Event. There are no special rewards for Top Ranked Players.
    Earn a Victory Tier to collect special prizes from Esmi when the event ends.
    Collect 10K points to unlock Bronze Tier
    Earn 30K points for Silver Tier
    50K points for Gold Tier

    Scenario Score
    Points are awarded after successful completion of either the 'escort' or 'defense' scenarios.
    Both scenarios have the same number of enemies and offer the same maximum number of possible event points per run:
    50 points for getting Esmi past each of her three (3) encounters (for a total of 150 points).
    50 additional points for defeating "Amok the Armored Troll."
    50 points for each building that surives to the end (for a total 150 points).
    50 additional points for defeating the "Wytch of the Wood."

    Dark Hollow Event Tier Rewards
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    Bronze Tier:
    One Bronze Key to the Realm
    Character-bound "Gilded Forest" Vanity Set (shown above)
    100K Gold

    Silver Tier:
    One Silver Key to the Realm
    Character-bound "Gilded Forest" Vanity Set
    200K Gold

    Gold Tier:
    Choice of Hard, Wild or Greedy Barky pet
    One Gold Key to the Realm
    Character-bound "Gilded Forest" Vanity Set
    The "Guardian Angel" Title
    350K Gold

    Dark Hollow Event Loot
    Skeletons, "Amok the Armored Troll" and the "Wytch of the Wood" have a chance to drop:
    Experience Orbs (for characters below Level 115)
    Experience Kits, up to 5K XP!
    The Admiral's Shining Dress and Bicorne vanities.
    The Dark Hollow Merchant's Hat and Vest vanities (trade-friendly versions of vendor items).
    The Dark Hollow Sylph's Raiment and Helm vanities (trade-friendly versions of vendor items).
    The Classic Forest Armor and Helmet vanities (Note: these vanity items are all class-specific).
    Hollowtree Pulp crafting component.
    Witchwood Fiber crafting component.
    Dark Hollow Weave crafting component.
    Forest Life Energy crafting component (required to evolve 'Barky the Log').
    Traveling Trader's Fabric component (required to craft the Admiral's Funeral vanity).
    Epic, Legendary and Elite Level 115 equipment.
    and the Locked Dark Hollow Homestead Crate

    The Locked Dark Hollow Homestead Crate costs 5 Platinum to open and contains:
    The Dark Hollow Gilded Wytch Mask vanity.
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    The Dark Hollow Merchant's Hat and Vest vanities.
    The Dark Hollow Sylph's Raiment and Helm vanities.
    The Gilded Forest Armor and Helmet vanities.
    Gold Stash item packs, up to 50K Gold.
    Elixir Kits, up to 5X Damage, Experience and Speed.
    Elite and Mythical equipment.
    Bronze, Silver and Gold Realm Keys.
    QTR, HEMI, and PUR 'Stat' weapons.
    Crafting recipe for 'Hard Barky' pet.
    Crafting recipe for 'Wild Barky' pet.
    Crafting recipe for 'Greedy Lord Barksdale' pet.
    Crafting recipe for the Admiral's Shining Dress vanity armor.
    Crafting recipe for the Admiral's Shining Bicorne vanity helm.
    Name:  pl_dark_hollow_admiral_shining.png
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    Crafting the 'Evolved Log'
    Get "My Barky" from Esmi just for the fun of it... or craft him into a power-pet!
    Name:  pl_dark_hollow_crafting_barky.jpg
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    To give "Barky" a stat boost...
    Purchase "My Barky" from Esmi for tokens.
    Use "My Barky" in combination with looted crafting components and recipes to craft trade-friendly "Barky" (with Esmi's help).
    Then you can use trade-friendly "Barky," more looted components and recipes to craft one of three (3) evolved companions:
    Hard Barky
    Name:  pl_dark_hollow_crafting_barky_02.jpg
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    Wild Barky
    Name:  pl_dark_hollow_crafting_barky_03.jpg
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    Greedy Lord Barksdale
    Name:  pl_dark_hollow_crafting_barky_04.jpg
Views: 2795
Size:  21.0 KB

    Dark Hollow Event Tokens
    You will earn tokens for completing either of the event scenarios.
    They are listed as "Hollows" in your satchel.
    Esmi sells most items for Hollows, and a few for Platinum.

    How to Play
    Use the "Let's Play" option when talking to Esmi to bring up the 'Legendary Events' campaign category of your World Map.
    Name:  pl_dark_hollow_host_01_escort.jpg
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    Host a game with a Password to get the option to Force Start either scenario.
    Name:  pl_dark_hollow_host_02_defense.jpg
Views: 2830
Size:  76.3 KB

    Hope you enjoy saving Dark Hollow! :-)
    Last edited by Futumsh; 05-11-2023 at 09:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Blogger Far's Avatar
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    Ty for nice event again and i appreciate the job you did!
    There is one problem with Crate tbh not worth open we all see so can you please add to it:
    L71 Ewt, Esb, Ems, Elite X-fire bow/Axe/Staff -> pvp players started l71 toons this would be nice for them also less bm and makes more $ for sts
    I am the best player in the PL history, you cant reach my level never ever!
    I am here to send PL to the next level!

  3. #3
    Banned Bluemeaneye's Avatar
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    Looks fun, cant wait!

  4. #4
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    fr -- -- -- -- fr -- -- -- -- fr

  5. #5
    Senior Member MageFFA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far View Post
    Ty for nice event again and i appreciate the job you did!
    There is one problem with Crate tbh not worth open we all see so can you please add to it:
    L71 Ewt, Esb, Ems, Elite X-fire bow/Axe/Staff -> pvp players started l71 toons this would be nice for them also less bm and makes more $ for sts
    Why exactly? We should not bring back event/quest items from old campaigns. It achieves nothing but alienating a divided community while also tanking the prices for those rare items, which will eventually become worthless since they serve no purpose in either PvE or PvP.

    ESB is currently 21 less damage than Phantom crossbow, which makes the situation even worse once you consider the fact that Phantom set is low tier trash in the current meta. EWT is far weaker than Sea Devil and Sharp staff so releasing this item again serves no purpose. Even if we make the argument that the proc is very usefull for its bonus armor, it still doesn't matter since you will not be using it to PvP with as your main item. Dont even get me started on Marlin. Beastly Longsword has always been superior than it and thats a whole troll item that you would use just for fun.

    Instead how about StS make a permanent dungeon in blacksmoke that has a new elite 1H item selection, balanced around the other 71 items so it's not oppressive like QTRs and Haunted gear. This is a better solution as it brings more content and activity to both PvP and PvE in the blacksmoke region. Elite Humania weapons and 71 Quest weapons can stay as a flex item that people can showoff with, or work their way towards buying later down the lines.

    A gauntlet would bea great alternative, with a requirement that you must be 71 to enter and loot these items. Higher rounds have better chances to loot, and since its a 71 exclusive zone it'll be much more of a grind instead of being a 115, one shotting everything. Thats my 2 cents.

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    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    Thank you Futumsh and STS for this event.

    I love the recolours and the reintroduction of the barky pet which is essential for gauntlet events , considering its the strongest pet that works in those event zones.

    Keep up the events on game, some might not appreciate it. But I thoroughly enjoy all events on game.

    Much love

    I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
    -Helen Keller

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
    Why exactly? We should not bring back event/quest items from old campaigns. It achieves nothing but alienating a divided community while also tanking the prices for those rare items, which will eventually become worthless since they serve no purpose in either PvE or PvP.

    ESB is currently 21 less damage than Phantom crossbow, which makes the situation even worse once you consider the fact that Phantom set is low tier trash in the current meta. EWT is far weaker than Sea Devil and Sharp staff so releasing this item again serves no purpose. Even if we make the argument that the proc is very usefull for its bonus armor, it still doesn't matter since you will not be using it to PvP with as your main item. Dont even get me started on Marlin. Beastly Longsword has always been superior than it and thats a whole troll item that you would use just for fun.

    Instead how about StS make a permanent dungeon in blacksmoke that has a new elite 1H item selection, balanced around the other 71 items so it's not oppressive like QTRs and Haunted gear. This is a better solution as it brings more content and activity to both PvP and PvE in the blacksmoke region. Elite Humania weapons and 71 Quest weapons can stay as a flex item that people can showoff with, or work their way towards buying later down the lines.

    A gauntlet would bea great alternative, with a requirement that you must be 71 to enter and loot these items. Higher rounds have better chances to loot, and since its a 71 exclusive zone it'll be much more of a grind instead of being a 115, one shotting everything. Thats my 2 cents.
    Agreed, bringing back items like this serves no purpose.
    And before someone tries to say something no I don't own any of these.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
    Why exactly? We should not bring back event/quest items from old campaigns. It achieves nothing but alienating a divided community while also tanking the prices for those rare items, which will eventually become worthless since they serve no purpose in either PvE or PvP.

    ESB is currently 21 less damage than Phantom crossbow, which makes the situation even worse once you consider the fact that Phantom set is low tier trash in the current meta. EWT is far weaker than Sea Devil and Sharp staff so releasing this item again serves no purpose. Even if we make the argument that the proc is very usefull for its bonus armor, it still doesn't matter since you will not be using it to PvP with as your main item. Dont even get me started on Marlin. Beastly Longsword has always been superior than it and thats a whole troll item that you would use just for fun.

    Instead how about StS make a permanent dungeon in blacksmoke that has a new elite 1H item selection, balanced around the other 71 items so it's not oppressive like QTRs and Haunted gear. This is a better solution as it brings more content and activity to both PvP and PvE in the blacksmoke region. Elite Humania weapons and 71 Quest weapons can stay as a flex item that people can showoff with, or work their way towards buying later down the lines.

    A gauntlet would bea great alternative, with a requirement that you must be 71 to enter and loot these items. Higher rounds have better chances to loot, and since its a 71 exclusive zone it'll be much more of a grind instead of being a 115, one shotting everything. Thats my 2 cents.
    yes it makes no sense to bring back these items. instead of bringing stuff back, make new items that could shake up and balance 71 pvp or new vanities. even recolors are better than bringing back old items just for the hell of it.

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    Junior Member mannered's Avatar
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    Thanks for event barky is BACK <3

    Sts and team, please bring back :
    1. Bring back L100 Honor Game to Endgame Level (115), cause myth game only 1-2 shoot then Die GG
    2. Bring back boot option to PvP, I've heard that not having the boot option in pvp resulted in a person being judged 3v1 in a pvp room by an active guild (and this is very sad)
    3. Can you create a new Honor Map 2v2, i think this will be good at pvp zone because little community at pvp right now

    Thank you…

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    Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
    Why exactly? We should not bring back event/quest items from old campaigns. It achieves nothing but alienating a divided community while also tanking the prices for those rare items, which will eventually become worthless since they serve no purpose in either PvE or PvP.

    ESB is currently 21 less damage than Phantom crossbow, which makes the situation even worse once you consider the fact that Phantom set is low tier trash in the current meta. EWT is far weaker than Sea Devil and Sharp staff so releasing this item again serves no purpose. Even if we make the argument that the proc is very usefull for its bonus armor, it still doesn't matter since you will not be using it to PvP with as your main item. Dont even get me started on Marlin. Beastly Longsword has always been superior than it and thats a whole troll item that you would use just for fun.

    Instead how about StS make a permanent dungeon in blacksmoke that has a new elite 1H item selection, balanced around the other 71 items so it's not oppressive like QTRs and Haunted gear. This is a better solution as it brings more content and activity to both PvP and PvE in the blacksmoke region. Elite Humania weapons and 71 Quest weapons can stay as a flex item that people can showoff with, or work their way towards buying later down the lines.

    A gauntlet would bea great alternative, with a requirement that you must be 71 to enter and loot these items. Higher rounds have better chances to loot, and since its a 71 exclusive zone it'll be much more of a grind instead of being a 115, one shotting everything. Thats my 2 cents.
    Always asking to bring those items back, and wanting to make the leaderboard events to be top 100. Haven't you seen any pattern on the posts? You shouldn't be suprised if 'he' got another forum account lol

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    Default Hallowen

    Quote Originally Posted by Fwend View Post
    Thank you Futumsh and STS for this event.

    I love the recolours and the reintroduction of the barky pet which is essential for gauntlet events , considering its the strongest pet that works in those event zones.

    Keep up the events on game, some might not appreciate it. But I thoroughly enjoy all events on game.

    Much love
    can the Dracula set or the bone set be made again at the next Halloween event... or the developer can change the color of the set, that could be better

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kripikcs View Post
    can the Dracula set or the bone set be made again at the next Halloween event... or the developer can change the color of the set, that could be better
    That sounds like a wonderful idea considering it is the most powerful set up depending on your playing style, as well as the dragkin shield (which was looted from warlock crates). Recolours of those vital set with a slight increase in stats would be amazing for this year's Halloween event.

    I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
    Why exactly? We should not bring back event/quest items from old campaigns. It achieves nothing but alienating a divided community while also tanking the prices for those rare items, which will eventually become worthless since they serve no purpose in either PvE or PvP.

    ESB is currently 21 less damage than Phantom crossbow, which makes the situation even worse once you consider the fact that Phantom set is low tier trash in the current meta. EWT is far weaker than Sea Devil and Sharp staff so releasing this item again serves no purpose. Even if we make the argument that the proc is very usefull for its bonus armor, it still doesn't matter since you will not be using it to PvP with as your main item. Dont even get me started on Marlin. Beastly Longsword has always been superior than it and thats a whole troll item that you would use just for fun.

    Instead how about StS make a permanent dungeon in blacksmoke that has a new elite 1H item selection, balanced around the other 71 items so it's not oppressive like QTRs and Haunted gear. This is a better solution as it brings more content and activity to both PvP and PvE in the blacksmoke region. Elite Humania weapons and 71 Quest weapons can stay as a flex item that people can showoff with, or work their way towards buying later down the lines.

    A gauntlet would bea great alternative, with a requirement that you must be 71 to enter and loot these items. Higher rounds have better chances to loot, and since its a 71 exclusive zone it'll be much more of a grind instead of being a 115, one shotting everything. Thats my 2 cents.
    Well i agree with you but at least they should add something like all og Tees
    I am the best player in the PL history, you cant reach my level never ever!
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    I agree with others. I don't think any item should ever be brought back under any circumstances!!!

  18. #15
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    Ok guys i dont ask anymore for bd set or l71 elites .

    Add the Zep and another pet to the Crates thanks! It helps new players too (without pets is hard to start the game or survive as new player). Again $ and new players for sts
    Last edited by Far; 05-16-2023 at 03:13 AM.
    I am the best player in the PL history, you cant reach my level never ever!
    I am here to send PL to the next level!

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    Dinner set but shinny version nicee?!

  20. #17
    Member Tranquilities's Avatar
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    Good event this game needs the love 👍

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    Can you buff orb drops ? Its very bad atm .

  22. #19
    Senior Member Megatr0n's Avatar
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    add black dragon set too

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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