I have an idea to make pvp active again for all levels and help boost the community.
I call it [Unawakend] a tdm/ctf where all gear is allowed like normal but as long as it doesn't have any awakens on it. This will drop prices and balanced pvp alot.
Casual players will be able to pvp meaning people would stay to AL meaning more people would also buy plat!
Make this for all level 1-81 so people can do any level like in the past.
Fact is pvp is dead and that doesn't help the community at all its a mmorpg.
The normal tdm/ctf maps work great means no cost of making new maps just keep old ones.
You could also add more pvp gear in the game but please don't make it unbalanced no overpowered proc none of that you want it casual friendly.
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