Just another forum gathering for something that wont ever gonna happen. Goodluck tho
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Just another forum gathering for something that wont ever gonna happen. Goodluck tho
Sent from my SM-A235F using Tapatalk
Im not gonna read all those messages, but why not increase gold loot and make the map longer. For example let’s exaggerate and say a mainline Mogera or swamp. You have to kill x amount of mobs to spawn the boss. You farm 2 minutes till you get to the boss and then you fight for a minute and a high gold drop. Basically deep marsh.
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Make AL 2.0 for these peoples.
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everyone is free to make gold as they like or see fit regarding the situation I have and time so it is not necessary to remove the gl or kill it completely
In my opinion, gold loot is not the only problem in this game. There are multiple other issues in the game that are making it worse, but yes, gold loot is one of them.
I just came back from the game, so I do not know what happened between the time I left and the time I came back, but one thing I didn't like when I returned was that you could farm gold 24/7 in the level 81 elite maps now.
If I remember correctly, you had to wait for a portal to open to start farming gold back then. That was good. Why? Because it was regulated or controlled. Yes, portals were open 24/7 back then, but it took a while for them to open again when they closed, which means there's a time for the economy to recover instead of a constant flow of gold into the game.
The situation now is similar to when people farmed gold in elite underhaul maps back in the day. During that time, people could farm gold endlessly for as long as they wanted. And you want to know what happened? The prices in Arcane Legends skyrocketed.
One simple solution would be limiting gold farming to portal maps ONLY and adding a longer cooldown for the portals to open.
Other fixes such as:
- Adding more tax penalties to the auction for higher price-listed items.
- Adding gold sinks (*not gold circulation*) throughout AL.
- Increasing the drop rates of the Kraken items in chests OR have them drop in maps like Ebon armor.
If these suggestions above ever make it throughout AL, they can help with the inflation nowadays in the game.
But I feel it won't ever happen because it won't generate as much income for the company if these changes ever roll out.
Right now, the game's health is not too appealing. As a returning player, I am immediately turned off by how the game's state is. I cannot imagine how a new player starting from 0 would enjoy the game nowadays.
Running elite maps was the best thing back in the old days. It was about looting something cool. Now you loot something cool but it doesn't cost that much.
Stated reduce 15% but why it work like 50% reduce
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Y'all not getting tired of these threads about gold loot?
Remove gold loot, put ultra elite maps and make it to loot something like 10 years ago.
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People are so delusional, back in my day it was rlly hard to get best gears as f2p. Nowdays its very easy to get the best gears as f2p, idk why people want to make game harder for themselves.
It's not easy at all. I don't know where you get that from.
Zodias has flipflopped between nerfs and buffs to gold drops and it feels like there is uncertainty with what to do with it. If anything, a good first step would be to add diminishing returns to the gl stat after a certain value. Gl should be a means to help poorer players catch up to richer players. Let's be honest, if you have 1000+ gl, there's a good chance you have more gold than you know what to do with.
GL broke the economy
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