Let us know what you think!
Let us know what you think!
Hello devs, next year or years 2025,2026,2030 or 2035 for forgotten vanity event, i want to suggest this vanities.
Jord staff, eloia bow and galen maul.
This weapons are way older than glint weapons but this year forgotten event yall released some of the newest(than the three) glint weapons, igneath and even highfrost.
Thanks. If not next year, next next year. If not next next year, next next next year.
Eloia bow is hideous, that's a hard pass.
Jord staff is one of my favorites. +1
Is this level regulated area, or is this event crafted more for level 81's, and the lower the level gets, the more difficult it becomes to run?
2-Part Question:
Is there a of an instant death? or do hardcores just have to jump in and find out?
I know a lot of them died in sieges, boss was the insta killer.
Hardcores die every day, but only you can't prevent HC deaths.
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It's open to all levels and it's pretty easy. Definitely easier than Siege, Twilight Temple and Crypt of Renown. Forgotten mines' goblin minions are weaker than Pennon Peak / Banner Bash event minions but the boss (Gorestomp) is stronger than Klumdolgath.
You can get insta killed if you stand in the red areas and make no effort to evade / pot up to max health, etc.
Gear matters a lot so if you have motley gear that's a lot lower than your character level you may struggle.
@Cinco can we have Red Colored Tabard set please?
dikirim dari samsung galaxy 9
A 40% plat sale off please for this weekend’s sale!
- Living in a delusional state -
More tokens in 4 chests, so there is motivation to open them. Or add portion of vanities as loot from them.
The size of Inan’harsh maul is normal or bug? am okay with it , let us know if you guys gonna nerf it or keep it what it is,, thanks
I just came here to have my joy restaured watching all collectors coments crying about this event gosh this is love
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Warlord Handaxes to be added please! There's still time : D
what is the name of this bow? Is it included in the loot? Ty
Can u add warlord daggers for rogue aswell as the red band banana bow
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Where is this looted that effect
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Idk if its just me or it feels a bit messy, too many new stuff and names
It's hard to know which name corresponds to which picture,
Also having a hard time to determine which class it belongs to
ign Battling /irg /answer
Custom banner 4m pm me ⌥[▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▍ ]⚠
Does vanity even drop without using forgotten elix ? I’ve done like a solid 100 runs with just luck elix/pet/gear. Nothing at all but tokens
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