" Procs effects the game in a negative way" and it isn't only procs a lot things that take the easy way effect the game long term.


Notice how procs are just increases in damage,move speed, hp, haste, ulti speed and etc.

There isn't much they can do with procs. They can't really innovate in that space anymore that is because procs hit it's peek a long time ago.

It's going to be the same thing when elements come. The only way they can innovate in that space again is if They remove procs from the game. It's weird once you do that it opens up so many doors for other things.

Once a proc is powerful you can't make anything more powerful then it. So everything else that comes ends up being underwhelming And you guys complain about it.

Procs hit a brick wall that is the problem.

Jewels with modifiers have endless possibilities in comparison to
Jewels with procs.

Gold loot effects the game in a negative way.
Procs effect the game in a negative way.
Pet aa's effect the game in a negative way.
Pet passives effect the game in a negative way.
Fixed gear stats effects the game in a negative way.
Junk gear effects the game in a negative way.
I can keep going.....

This is how you want the game to be. Everything hits a dead end.

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