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    Default What ever happened to the war class exclusive vanity?

    Curious how both mages and rogues got their class-specific vanities and yet it's been over a year and wars still don't have one... You came out with some significant updates to vendors that nobody asked for but won't put out updates promised a while back. Disappointing.

    Additionally, why would you release an incomplete update if you want positive feedback from your community just listen to us, please.
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  2.   Click here to go to the next Dev post in this thread.   #2
    Design Department Cinco's Avatar
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    Warrior already has class-specific vanities.
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    For clarification, those would be which ones? From what I remember the specific class vanities for mage and rogue were either sold in the store for plat or I think it was ursoth that there was a rogue one available for tokens.

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    Design Department Cinco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Repent View Post
    For clarification, those would be which ones? From what I remember the specific class vanities for mage and rogue were either sold in the store for plat or I think it was ursoth that there was a rogue one available for tokens.

    There have been numerous. For instance: Frank set, Magmatus set, Goretusk, Bathax, Wolfman.
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    Ah maybe some clarification is needed I don't mean simply a vanity that no other class has because there are a lot for every class. What I was requesting and what was implied previously would be that warriors would also receive a special vanity in the store for plat or during an event for tokens and the other classes would be left out as was done previously for both mages and rogues.

    Also Frank was a lb set and Wolfman was a part of special vanities sold during Halloween and each class had a specific vanity. (It was not just a war-specific vanity drop)

    I don't remember when bathax or magma sets were dropped but I recall there being other specific vanities for both other classes as well.

    I hope that clears up the confusion of my question!
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    Design Department Cinco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Repent View Post
    Ah maybe some clarification is needed I don't mean simply a vanity that no other class has because there are a lot for every class. What I was requesting and what was implied previously would be that warriors would also receive a special vanity in the store for plat or during an event for tokens and the other classes would be left out as was done previously for both mages and rogues.

    Also Frank was a lb set and Wolfman was a part of special vanities sold during Halloween and each class had a specific vanity. (It was not just a war-specific vanity drop)

    I don't remember when bathax or magma sets were dropped but I recall there being other specific vanities for both other classes as well.

    I hope that clears up the confusion of my question!
    I see now. You want a Store sale where we only offer something for Warriors and deliberately exclude Rogues and Sorcerers from the offerings.

    Hmmm :-/

    TBH Warrior great-looking vanities are pretty common. I'll admit, there are a few more great-looking Rogue vanities but, by the numbers, it's pretty close.

    If you want an under-served Class: the Sorcerers are the ones that really suffer in terms of epic vanity looks (which is why I don't feel bad about offering the Blue Founder and the Planar Vendor stuff for Sorcerers during this year's Forgotten Vanity Event).

    To your request: if I ever find myself in a position where I have something awesome just for Warriors and nobody else, I'll consider offering it - exclusively. To set expectations, it's very likely that I'll also find something for Rogues and Sorcerers and the resulting Store offerings will not satisfy your request... but that's just how the cookie crumbles, I'm sorry to say.

    Best wishes!
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    I know what u mean, certainly this event has a lot of beautiful rogue and sorcerer vanities, but none of warriors (I mean the ones that will sell tomorrow are extremely ugly and could change to Black version) Sorcerer had Ashera Vanity and Rogues a Lady of Forest vanity, but I don't remember the warrior getting any exclusives either...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    I see now. You want a Store sale where we only offer something for Warriors and deliberately exclude Rogues and Sorcerers from the offerings.

    Hmmm :-/

    TBH Warrior great-looking vanities are pretty common. I'll admit, there are a few more great-looking Rogue vanities but, by the numbers, it's pretty close.

    If you want an under-served Class: the Sorcerers are the ones that really suffer in terms of epic vanity looks (which is why I don't feel bad about offering the Blue Founder and the Planar Vendor stuff for Sorcerers during this year's Forgotten Vanity Event).

    To your request: if I ever find myself in a position where I have something awesome just for Warriors and nobody else, I'll consider offering it - exclusively. To set expectations, it's very likely that I'll also find something for Rogues and Sorcerers and the resulting Store offerings will not satisfy your request... but that's just how the cookie crumbles, I'm sorry to say.

    Best wishes!
    No worries Cinco I see your point and I appreciate the response man!
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    We warriors got blackblade during 2021 forgotten , pretty happy with that tbh.

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    Or it could be like Frank, Medusa and ghost?
    Each class get their own unique set in store.
    Maybe not every time but once in a while would be nice.

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    Rogs every ursoth event, get the dress and the crown elodria recolor, is discrimination for other classes..., give to other classes something cool to be equal.

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