I've noticed there isn't a place for random photoshop works. So I suppose most of my works won't be shown here, but here is a few that are PL related. Though I'm always bored with my spare time, so feel free to let me know what I can create for any reason.
Hubris you may ask? No, though this should have a kind interesting start.
Random but if you're looking for fonts go to:
As long as you don't go to the outside sites, they're all free.
What's This?
Learn what is playing under those headphones.
Feel free to post any of your works, so I can check it out!
I was going to make this my sig, but I don't have an "AwesomeName"
(But if you'd like I'll throw your name in there)
So I went through a special secret quest and went something like this..
I was going to make a 'real life' PL battle, but then I decided light sabers would be just as cool haha.
I'll try to add more works later in posts, then assimilate them into the OP later, when I'm not so lazy.
Breaking News!
Beware the Mage Scorned..
Made this for guild Esoteric Fellowship
SPARTANS! Prepare for Glory!
Che-Che-Check it out! This is how I prepare for battle!