First off, thanks to devs for reading forums.
They might not read this, given my persona of creating an account on this forum specifically to complain about the 5/31 update. But that's not why I made a forum account. It's because I love this game.
And for Trader's market.
Anyway some constructive criticism/advice, again from a newer player perspective.
I will do my best to include no negativity
Straddling the line between zaar and kraken rn? This game is almost unplayable.
I do not use that term lightly.
I am going to assume from what I have read in forums that the reason for nerfing gold base drop, from Rahab is to help with inflation. I'm going to assume that buffing up is similar reasoning.
I think these two things together are wrong to do. Pick one. This hurts up and coming players *far* more that it affects players farming rahab all day, and so it will do little to help inflation besides crashing kraken weapon specifically (already happening) while increasing the wealth disparity between players.
You have added/updated a lot of gate-keeping mechanics recently to this game recently (removed inventory, nerfing XP gain in old questlines like saving glintstone that ppl do daily to lvl up cuz they aren't strong enough to solo farm their gear lvl at LvL 66+, buffing hp of endgame portal bosses)....
This is really starting to stack up and make this a quite frustrating and unenjoyable experience for a newer player. People want a challenge. They deserve a reward. They will pay for a challenge.
No one will continue paying to simply be frustrated and gatekept by a hard pay-wall and now gear-wall simultaneously. Expecting new players to buy or farm for kraken to get a ROI on Rahab is now... Silly.
Now into the real matter.
I don't simply dislike the change. I think buffing hp of a boss like Rahabkor could be good, and yes any game design decision is justifiable @cinco, I respect you standing your ground at least.
Did you think that perhaps the real problem is timing?? I mean, do you really think *now* is the best time to buff HP on endgame boss that you've already manipulated the loot tables for twice? You keep breaking things that don't need fixing lol. Did you really think that now, after filling players inventory with eggs and vanities, is the best time for a gold sink? So that *everyone* loses money who hasn't liquidated their inventory and is waiting for slots back? Do you seriously think that *now*, after removing farmable slots as a way of making $$$, is a good time to make Rahab inaccessible to new players?
After allowing them to purchase GL gear during an awakening event?
The reasons ppl are mad about changes are yes, usually the way it affects them, and sometimes the way it affects others (myself included), but mostly these revolve around timing.
I really hope that you figure your cadence out, because at this point, I'm halfway convinced you are putting a concerted effort into killing your own game, economy first.